Chapter 40 - Suprise!

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"Where did you guys slink off to? You've been gone a while."  Tony said as Hannah walked back onto the main floor of the tower.
"City Hall."  Hannah replied, gleefully clutching at the piece of paper in her hands.
"You didn't get married did you?"  Tony said with a look of sarcastic terror on his face.
"Tony," Steve had a warning tone in his voice.
"No," Hannah looked to Steve and then back to the small group of Avengers.  "This is my birth certificate!  I officially have a birthday here on earth!"
"Congratulations Han!"  The team said in unison.
"So when is it then?"  Bucky questioned.
"December 22nd 1989.  It's the summer solstice of the earth year I was born.  Steve suggested it."
"That's sweet, I like it."  Tony chimed in.

As the group got back to what they were doing, Bucky and Sam pulled Hannah off to one side.
"Hey, Han, that thing you asked us to get, it's in your room."  Sam said quietly so no one else could hear.
"Perfect, thanks boys."
"It wasn't easy to get it on such notice, but once we explained the situation and who it was for, they were more than happy to do it for us," Bucky explained.
"Thank you guys, it means a lot, honestly."  Hannah turned her head to look at Steve.  "Lets just hope he likes it."

"Steve?"  Can I borrow you for a minute please?"  Hannah asked, lightly touching Steve's arm.
"Sure Han.  Everything okay?"  Steve looked a mixture of puzzled and concerned as he looked at her.
"Yeah, there's just something I wanna show you."
With that, Hannah took Steve's hand and led him to the elevator to go up to her floor.

Once they stepped out onto Hannah's floor, she led Steve to the living room.
"Who's this little guy?!"  Steve exclaimed as he knelt down on Hannah's floor and began petting and stroking the golden retriever that had plonked itself down in Hannah's sitting room.
"He's yours."  Hannah said with a small smile on her face as she sat down next to Steve.
"What?"  Steve questioned as he turned to face Hannah.
"I thought, after everything you've done for me, getting me out of Hydra, spending time with me, and now the whole birthday thing, I wanted to do something to say thank you."
"Han, you didn't have to.  Come here."  Steve said as he pulled Hannah into a hug.  "Thank you.  It's been a pleasure spending time with you.  I'm just sorry I was so stubborn for too long."
"It's a pleasure.  And honestly, I've forgotten about it already.  I got Bucky and Sam to get him while we were out.  He's actually a therapy dog.  I remembered what you'd said about your PTSD from the war, so I thought he might help if you had a bad day, or nightmares."
"That's amazing Han!  Gah.  Now what am I gonna call you?"  Steve said as he turned back to the dog.  "How about Blue?  Like my suit, and Hannah's frosty powers?  Yeah, you like that buddy?!"  Steve questioned as Blue began to jump all over him.  "Blue it is then.  Also because you'll help me when I'm feeling blue too."
"I like Blue.  Why don't we show the others?"  Hannah said with a smile as they both stood up.
"Sounds good to me.  Come on Blue!"  Steve clapped and the dog ran to the elevator.
"He's fully trained too Steve, so you just need to take care of him like you would any dog."
Steve pulled Hannah into a bear hug.  "I can't thank you enough Han, it means the world to me, it really does."
Hannah smiled at him.  "You're welcome Steve.  Now come on, the others are itching to meet him."
The pair walked down Steve's corridor together, talking and laughing as they went.  It was finally starting to feel like their friendship was getting back on track, which Hannah was thankful for.  She cared about Steve more than she thought she ever could for anyone, especially after Hydra.

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