Chapter 28 - Tactical Approach

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By the time the pair had made it back to the lab, massive sheets of paper with tactical approaches & assault strategies were strewn across Tony & Bruce's work desks with the team hunched over them, with Fury, examining them.

Sam was the first one to clock Hannah and Steve when they re-entered the room. Without drawing attention to them, Sam left the group and walked over to the other side of the room to meet them.

"You guys okay?" Sam whispered so as not to interrupt the others.

"We are now," Hannah said as she briefly looked at Steve & then back to Sam & smiled.

"Well I'm glad," Sam whispered with a wink as he pulled Hannah into a hug.

Steve smiled before tapping them both & gesturing towards the group.

Steve seemed to integrate himself seamlessly into the strategy talks and Sam & Hannah weren't too far behind.

"It'll take all of us being at that party to have enough force to take him down." Tony explained.

"Agreed, but won't he recognise some of us? I mean, he did 'train' Hannah & shoot Steve after all, regardless of how he miraculously alive, I'll bet the guy hasn't forgotten their faces," Sam interjected with concern in his voice.

"Wait. Fury, you said it was a kind of ball, right?" Hannah questioned, surprising the group.

"Yes, I did. Why?"

"Well, whose to say people wouldn't take that to mean a masquerade ball?" Hannah added with a smile, earning a few impressed smirks from the Avengers.

"I like the way you think Han!" Tony said.

"Me too," Steve added, walking over to join Hannah.

"Thanks. Well then, that solves that problem. But how are we getting invited?" Hannah questioned, leaning on the desk between Tony & Steve, facing outwards.

"Already solved. What? You think Fury would send us on a mission without sorting that out first?" Tony questioned with a wink in Hannah's direction.

Hannah smiled at Tony.

"I mean, there was that one time..." Clint piped up from the other side of the table, pointing at Tony.

"Well, yeah. But apart from that-"

"Whoa! Hold on. What time?!" Hannah interjected.

"Tell you about it in the jet," Natasha said.

"Well, you seem to have this all under control, I'll be on comms." Fury said before turning to leave.

"Okay everyone, suit up!" Steve said in his 'Cap voice' as the team called it. "Well, only if you're wearing a suit... Oh, you know what I mean. 2 hours guys, get changed."

The team laughed before disbursing. Hannah and Steve were the only ones left.

"Don't suppose you want an elevator buddy?" Hannah said with a small smile.

"I'd love one." Steve said, bending his arm for Hannah to take.

The pair walked to the lift together, talking about everything but the upcoming mission, keeping each other's minds off it.

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