Chapter 56 - Fix You

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Seeing the man grab Steve, Hannah's body began turning blue, instantly making her abilities more powerful in order to better defend them against the oncoming attack.  She'd never been more confident in her frost giant form.

With all her might, Hannah thrusted a burst of her powers towards Jason and the other agents in an attempt to get them to release Steve. As she did this, there was a struggle as Jason lunged and grabbed Hannahs arm, pulling it behind her back as he twisted her around. A needle was swiftly inserted into Hannahs skin and the serum released.

Hannah screamed in agony as she managed to free herself from Jason's grasp. As she did so, she looked down at her hands as the blue faded from her skin.

"Steve?" She whispered, terrified as she crumbled to the floor.

Jason gestured for the agent restraining Steve to release him and he ran towards Hannah before sliding on his knees and catching her head and waist, pulling her into him.

"Hey, hey, Han? Im right here, its me, its okay, Ive got you. Please stay with me Han."

Steve pulled Hannah's head into his chest as he cradled her while she whimpered lightly at the pain the serum was causing her.

"Please, make it stop. Steve, please make it stop." Hannah cried.

"Its okay Han, we'll fix this, I promise, youve just gotta hang on."

"Oh Captain, Captain, Captain. You dont really think that serum is killing her do you?" Jason said with a smirk.

"What have you done to her you sick son of a bitch?!" Steve screamed while still holding Hannah as close as humanly possible.

"She was our greatest asset Captain, apart from Barnes of course. If we cant have her powers, well, neither can she." Jason explained with a sickening smirk growing on his face. "The serum will counter her abilities, making the frost giant side of her unusable and worthless."

Jason walked closer to Steve so there were only inches between them, a bold move, even for one of the Avengers, when Steve was angry.

"We're stripping her of her identity Captain. We won. And theres nothing you can do about it. No antidote, no wearing off, nothing. Youve lost Captain, and youve lost her."

With that, Steve moved his head forward very swiftly and quickly, so Jason never saw the soldier's movement coming. He was taken aback when their heads came into contact with each other and Jason staggered backwards. 4 Hydra agents moved quickly towards Steve, ready to restrain him, but Jason waved them off.
"Let him have that. Hes lost the girl he fell in love with. She might as well be a shell now. Get them out of my sight! They can leave now."

Steve quickly laid Hannah down on the floor and got up, lunging at Jason and pinning him to the floor.  He swiftly applied blow after blow to Jasons face, not caring what his remaining men were preparing to do to Steve.  Luckily, Bucky had realised what Steve was planning to do at the same time he had, and was able to quickly and efficiently shoot at the mens knees, all that is, but one, who dragged Steve off of Jason before quickly dragging his boss to one side of the room and making their escape via a rope hanging from the roof.  All the Avengers could do was watch as the rope went up, taking the men with it, allowing them both to get away in Jasons helicopter.

Steve breathed heavily, rolling himself off of his back and getting up, moving over to Hannah and scooping her up into his arms, being sure to hold her now warm body close to his.

"Lets get back to the jet guys.  We'll work out what to do once we get back to the tower." Tony said, gesturing towards the door to the warehouse.

When Steve walked past him, Tony grabbed his arm.  "Im sorry Steve, I should have clocked-"

"Its okay Tony.  This one's on me." Steve said with a sad look in his eyes, eyebrows furrowed as he clutched Hannah, who was clinging onto his shirt with her eyes closed.

No one said a word the whole way back to the tower, because no one truly knew how to make any of this better.

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