Chapter 67 - A Little More Luck

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"Coming into land now Cap," Clint relayed from the pilot seat of the quinjet.
Thanks Clint. Everyone ready to go?" Steve asked the group as they were finishing suiting up with weapons and extra ammunition.
A unanimous yes could be heard from the entire team, insinuating that the second they landed, they'd be ready to start the search. Steve was sure Jason was going to make himself as hard to find as possible, and anything to the contrary would surely be a trap. Then again, even if he was wrong, Jason wasn't exactly going to be sat just shy of the quinjet's landing zone, as helpful as that would be.
"Hannah? Han?" Steve repeated over comms, waiting for a reply.
"Yes?! Hello, hello! This is Hannah on comms! You guys landed then?"
Steve chuckled lightly to himself, glad that at least some of Hannah's anxieties had left her, leaving her slightly perkier. "Just landed Han, thought you'd wanna turn your mic back on. Feelin' better?"
"A little, thanks. Right, I'll let you group up and get started, don't wanna delay the mission. Good luck Steve. Stay safe."
"You too Han." As much as Steve wanted to say the L word, he thought it was too soon, and even if it might be the only chance he had to say it, he didn't want to scare Hannah off. He quickly turned his attention back to the team, who had already split into their 2 groups. "Okay team, Tony, your group takes the right side of the island, my team'll take the left, and remember, comms stay open the whole time, alert immediately if you find him. Good Luck everyone, stay safe."

Once Bruce had Hulked out, the group quickly split off into their 2 teams and headed to their different sides of the island in order to start the search for Meyers. Steve's team took the West side of the island, while Tony's took the East.
As the group was walking through the jungle of the island, Sam decided to break the silence.
"So, how are things going between you and Han? If you don't mind me bringing it up on the mission." The other 2's eyes locked on Steve as they all waited on his answer.
"It's fine Sam, and yeah, I think its going well. Thank you," Steve replied with a smile, ensuring he made eye contact with his friend.
"Good, I'm glad. Can't have been easy leaving her? Not that I'd know what that felt like."
"It wasn't, but its for the best. She wouldn't have been safe out here without her powers, and I need to focus on the team as a whole, not just one person." Steve looked at the ground as he gave his reply. He knew fully well that Hannah could hear every word he was saying, and he only hoped she wasn't taking offence at his words. "Anyway, you'll find someone Sam, someone who makes you happy, just give it time."
"And maybe a tinder profile!" Bucky shouted from the back of the group, earning a swift punch to the arm from Natasha, which he quickly rubbed sarcastically, faking pain.
Natasha rolled her eyes at Bucky before turning back to Steve and Sam. "Steve's right Sam, the right person for you is out there somewhere. Some people just take longer to find than others."


Back on the other side of the island, Tony's team was having a little more luck in finding what they went for. Thor's hand shot out to stop Clint in his tracks as Tony and the Hulk crouched down to blend in better to their surroundings.
"Han, please tell me you're getting this on your map," Tony said over comms, with urgency in his voice.
"Tony, what is it?!" Steve said quickly over comms.
"I got nothing on the SHIELD map Tone, what is it?!" Hannah said urgently.
"We got a big-ass military base, not looking good over here guys, might wanna re-group," Tony explained, trying to stay calm. He turned back to his team. "Load your weapons Clint, and everyone stay low, we can't attack till the others get here, its not safe, as much as I'd usually go barrelling in, none of us know what's in there."
"Good idea Stark," Thor said in a quieter voice than normal, trying not to give his booming voice any opportunity to echo.
"On our way to you now Tony. Hold position."
"Searching for up to date satellite maps of the area Tone, I'll let you know when we get a hit."
"Thanks Han. Holding position Cap."
"There could be anything in there Stark, do we need to contact SHIELD for backup?" Clint questioned as he checked his guns were fully loaded.
"No, not yet, not till we get the satellite images back from Han. We can't make that decision without Cap either, he's the leader on this one, well, on every mission really, but he'd never forgive us if we called them in without him assessing the situation. Sit tight fellas, we might have a bit of a wait."

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