Chapter 41 - Urgency

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For a trained dog,  Blue was still very, very bouncy.  But that was fine, Steve and Hannah were both finding it extremely entertaining on the way back down in the elevator to the main floor.

As soon as the doors opened, Bucky turned around and called Blue to him.

"Heya buddy!  How d'ya like Steve then?"

Blue was enjoying all of the attention that he was getting from the growing group that was stroking and petting him.

"What's his name then Cap?"  Tony questioned, turning his head towards Steve while still stroking the dog.

"Blue.  I thought it fit him well.  Wait.  Did all three of you know about this?"  Steve questioned, looking to Hannah and then back at the group.

"I may have needed a couple of second opinions on whether he was the right thing to get you."  Hannah smiled, earning one in return from Steve.

Suddenly, JARVIS came over the intercom, a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Mr Stark, Sir, there are several unidentified objects coming towards the tower."

"What sort of objects J?"  Tony said, standing bolt upright from where he was.

"They appear to be some form of missile Si-"

Before JARVIS could finish his sentence, the first object hit, and a rumble could be felt through the main floor.  Without a second thought, Tony called his suit, and Steve grabbed his shield which he'd left propped up against the kitchen cabinet when they'd got back from lunch.

"There's gonna be one aimed at the main floor.  You three are gonna be completely unprotected with no suits on."  Tony shouted as he gestured towards Sam, Bucky and Hannah.

"Han, grab Blue and stay near me.  Tony, stay near Sam and Bucky."  Steve quickly went into Captain mode as he yelled orders in an attempt to keep the group safe and together.  Tony was the only one in his suit, but luckily the whole team had their coms devices in their ears.  Everyone except Hannah, who hadn't been given hers back since it had been taken away after their last mission.

The next missile hit not long after, and Tony was right, this one hit the main floor.  As hard as they all tried to stay together, the force of the hit ripped the main floor apart and sent the whole team flying.

The last thing Hannah remembered was Steve screaming her name before her head hit a hard corner.  Her back then hit the floor and a warm, wet sensation spread down her neck.  Then the world went black.

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