Chapter 10 - Route to extraction

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It took Hannah a while to realise exactly where it was that she was supposed to be going, but she got the hang of it eventually.

The lights came back on after a few minutes of walking which meant they could do more of a steady run.

"Finally!" Sam exclaimed, "Took them long enough to get the flippin' lights woking again!"
"Yeah but I find it more fun working in the dark," Hannah yelled from the front of the group.

Suddenly, the group came to an abrupt hault when Hannah attempted to dig her heels into the floor.
"Whoa! What going..." Steve started but failed to finish his sentence as he looked up and realised why Hannah had stopped so suddenly.  There were about 20 massive Hydra agents blocking the door, also known as their way out.
"So near yet so far," Bucky whispered into Steve's ear.
Steve let out a slight giggle before going serious again and fully evaluating the situation.
"Standard response.  Two left, two right." Steve whispered the orders to the team while still facing the approaching Hydra agents.

Hannah knew what they meant.  She'd never needed to use the strategy herself but she'd heard people talking about tactics when walking around the base.

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