Chapter 46 - Not Stupid

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"So, what did Thor want to talk about?"  Steve asked having finished his chicken sandwich.  He would have preferred egg, but chicken was all they had, so he'd grabbed 2 and labelled it a minor defeat.
"Um, he just wanted to know what I knew about Asgard, and Loki."
"Ah, yeah, he told us about what happened with you the other day.  I'm glad you got to talk about it."
"Thanks Steve.  So, how's Sam?  He awake yet?"
"No, not yet.  They reckon he'll be out for a few days yet.  Let's hope you'll be out of here soon Han."  Steve said with a small smile, trying to change the subject from the well-being of his friend, which was currently somewhat in the balance.

As if on queue, a nurse walked into Hannah's room, removing any danger of an awkward silence falling over the pair.
"Miss Hannah, I have some good news for you!  If you have somewhere to go, and someone to look after you, you'll be able to go home today!  But only if you have somewhere to go, otherwise you'll have to stay here until you do."  The nurse said, looking between Hannah and Steve.
"I can take her back to the tower.  Tony's guys have fixed everything up, with some help from Thor and Clint.  So I can look after you there, if that's okay with you?"
"That's great Steve, thank you,"  Hannah replied with a smile.
"Wonderful!  I'll get the paperwork signed and you can leave in about an hour.  You'll need help getting changed, so who should sign the paperwork?"  The nurse asked, presumably expecting Steve to help Hannah get changed.
"Did you want me to ask Nat to help you change?  Then I can sign your paperwork?"  Steve asked quite quickly once the nurse had finished speaking.
"That'd be great, thanks Steve.  Unless you're comfortable helping me?  Then Thor could sign the forms?  Only if you're comfortable with that though?!"  Hannah added the last part quickly so Steve didn't feel obligated to help her.
"Um, yeah, no, that's fine.  I'll text Nat and get her to send Thor down."
"Great, I'll wait at the nurse's station opposite, then I'll come let you know when you can leave."

With one last smile, the nurse left and Hannah and Steve were alone again.  Steve quickly stood up as Hannah pulled back the sheets on the bed.
"How can I help?"  Steve questioned as Hannah turned on the bed so she was kneeling with her back to Steve.
"You alright to untie the gown for me and then grab the clothes from the chair in the corner?"  Steve's silence was worrying Hannah slightly.  "It's okay, you won't see anything.  You can leave or turn around while I change," she said as she gave Steve a reassuring smile.
"It's okay, I got this Han," Steve said with a slightly sheepish smile.
Hannah turned back around to face the window and Steve moved to untie Hannah's gown.  To say he felt awkward would be an understatement, but he had to put that aside to help Hannah out.

The gown untied easily, but Steve's mind drifted.  His eyes traced the length of each of the scars that littered Hannah's back.  It was obvious that little care had been taken when stitching the original wounds, yet more lasting evidence of what Hydra had done to her.
"Steve?  Got it untied yet?"  Hannah said, turning her head slightly.
"Uh, yeah.  I'll just stand over here and face the wall.  Y'know, so you can get change."  Steve said, stammering slightly, before moving to the corner.
"Thanks Steve."
"So, uh, I guess you're gonna be on bed rest for a while huh?"  Steve said.
"Yeah, a few days probably.  Not that you can realistically enforce it after the way you ignored your need to bed rest."  Hannah laughed as she pulled on her leggings that Thor had grabbed for her from the tower.
"Cheeky!  I'd have thought you'd be better at it than me!"
"Yeah, well, you thought wrong!"
The pair chuckled before they were interrupted by a knock at the door.
The nurse entered.  "You're free to go now Hannah.  Just call the hospital if you need anything," the nurse said with a smile.
"Will do.  Thanks again."  Hannah smiled at the nurse before she left the room.
"Shall we get going then Han?  Don't worry, Tony's leant me the car."
"Good.  I was beginning to worry you were expecting me to ride back on the bike."
The pair laughed.
"No, I'm not that stupid," Steve said, picking up Hannah's small hospital bag of toiletries and the flowers from Thor.
"Oh, oh really?  And there was me thinking you were!"
"Oh you are so gonna pay for that when you get back to training."  Steve said, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to fake challenge her.  "Oh, and good news, Bruce is back at the tower now after his visit with Doctor Cho, so if you have any problems, you can go to him."
"Perfect, thanks Steve."  Hannah smiled as the pair left the hospital to go back to the car.
"Well, I try,"  Steve smirked as he ducked into the car.
Now the main person to worry about was Sam.

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