Chapter 26 - What sort of mission?

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Once Hannah and Steve's food and drinks had arrived and been swiftly consumed, the pair sat talking about anything and everything for the next 3 hours. It was no secret that Hannah and Steve found a lot to talk about when they sat down together, which allowed them both to get a lot of deep thoughts, feelings and worries off their chests, despite having only known each other for a couple of days.

However, their tranquil and relaxing conversation was soon interrupted by the vibration of Steve's phone on the glass table, causing the two of them to shudder as the vibration ran though their elbows, which were leaning on the table, and into the rest of their bodies. Steve picked up his phone from its face down position on the table and saw it was an urgent text message from Tony. Steve immediately looked up at Hannah with mild concern on his face.
"We're wanted back at the tower. Now."

Hannah immediately stood up from her seat, followed by Steve, as they both grabbed their bags and headed back to Steve's bike. Even though the tower was only a 2 minute walk from the cafe, they couldn't leave Steve's bike behind.

Even with the slight delay due to Steve jogging back to the cafe to leave a tip, they made it back to the tower in 4 minutes, meaning Tony had little to complain about in the way of them ignoring the 'urgent' part of the message. Steve left the bike in the garage and Jarvis set the elevator to take them to the main floor of the tower where the others were waiting for them. From there, it was only a short walk up the stairs to get to Tony's glass walled work area which was raised in the centre of the main floor.
"Hey Tony. What's going on?" Steve asked as he walked across the room and leant his back on one of the desks.
"Hey you two. We've been called in on a mission. Fury didn't tell me much but it sounded important."
Hannah looked around the group with wide eyes. Steve must have got it wrong. She wouldn't have been asked on a mission having only been at the tower for 2 days. There had to be some miscommunication or mistake.

Tony clearly read the confused and somewhat bewildered look on Hannah's face and walked so he was closer to her but so he was still audible to the rest of the group.
"Fury asked if you wanted to come on this mission too Han. He trusts you, you've got security clearance and Fury said you were top of your class in training. But he said he understands if it's too soon. It's your call."
"What's the mission?" Hannah asked with slight trepidation.
Tony stepped back so he could both address the group as a whole correctly and also use his computer screens.
"There's a party. Miami, Florida. The guy whose party it is is meant to be ex-Hydra. But some of the people who are going are bad news."
"What's the guy's name?"
"Ummm..." Tony looked to his computer screen for answers he didn't have. Hannah and Steve locked eyes as Steve mouthed the words 'you okay?' at Hannah, to which she replied 'I'm okay' with a soft and reassuring smile which Steve returned.
"Uh, Jason Myers."
At the mention of that name, his name, the name that sent shivers down her spine, the world seemed to stop as Hannah's mouth fell open and tears instantly formed in her eyes. The next thing Hannah was aware of was Steve's hand on her shoulders and the gentle shaking they were providing.
"Hannah? Han? What's wrong?"
Steve's words soon snapped Hannah out of her daze.
"I'd like to go back to my room for a moment please." Hannah said as she choked back the tears that welled in her eyes, forming a barrier against the truth that had been laid out in front of her.

He was alive.

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