Chapter 60 - Let me know

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Hannah loved showers, she'd realised that during her time with Hydra. She hadn't been allowed showers often, but when she was, they were like heaven. They let all of the worry and pain wash away, like they were never there. In this case, the only worry Hannah wanted to wash away was the worry that her powers were never coming back. She hadn't lied to Steve when she said he'd helped, but she still wanted them back, and nothing could shake the fear that she was a different person now. She knew she had Steve now, and he loved her, powers or no powers, but they had been the only constant in her life, and now they were gone, like winter turned to spring.

Hannah snapped out of her thoughts when the water ran hot. She hated hot showers. Aside from the fact heat had never been something she'd enjoyed, right now, the cold water was reassuring, like an old friend, a constant, her last connection to her powers and her family. She quickly turned off the water, not wanting to be warm. Not wanting the memory of who she was to disappear.

Without warning, there was a knock on her bathroom door.
"Han? When you've finished, can we talk?" A voice called out from the corridor.
Hannah instantly recognised it as Natasha.
"Yeah, that's fine Nat, just let me get changed and I'll be out. You can wait in the lounge if you like."

Once Hannah had dried off and changed into the clothes she'd taken into the bathroom with her, she walked out to the lounge to see what Nat needed.
"Hey Nat, what's up? I'm kinda meant to be meeting Steve to go to the park, so I can't be too long."
"It's okay, don't worry, I don't need you for long Han. I just wanted to warn you about Tony. He wants to know about your relationship with Steve, and despite me threatening him if he teases either of you about it, I doubt it'll stop him," Natasha explained, standing up from her spot on the couch and walking with Hannah to the elevator.
"Thanks for the heads up Nat, I'll warn Steve too," Hannah replied with a smirk.
"Perfect. And if Stark starts teasing you when he inevitably finds out about your relationship, just let me know, and I'll make sure he can't do it again."
Natasha's face curled into a slightly sinister smile, but all it did was make Hannah laugh at what she hoped was an empty threat.
"Received and understood Nat."
The two women chuckled as the elevator doors shut and took them to their desired floors.


When Hannah got downstairs, she was met by Blue, Steve's dog.
"Hey buddy! Good to have you back!" Hannah said as she scratched blue behind his ears.
"Clint dropped him off about 10 minutes ago. I figured we could take him to Central Park with us?" Steve explained as he emerged from the kitchen.
"Sounds good to me. I guess that means we're walking to the park then?"
"You guess correctly! Unless you wanna work out a way to get a Labrador, and 2 humans on a one seater motor bike? Oh, and the picnic I packed, figured it'd get us out of the tower for a little longer," Steve replied with a smile as he knelt down and attached Blue's lead.
"Sounds perfect! And no, funnily enough I don't wanna work out the logistics for the bike. Off we go then!" Hannah said with a smile, clapping her hands together before entwining her arm with Steve's as they headed to the elevator to begin their walk to Central Park. A nice, relaxing day. The perfect remedy to stress.

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