Chapter 62 - Only Chance

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Once Steve and Hannah made it back to the Tower, the team was waiting for them on the main floor, all looking slightly worried.
"Han, we need to get you to the lab, we dont know how stable the formula weve created is, so for it to have any chance of working, we've gotta move fast," Tony explained as he took Hannah by the arm and led her to his lab.
"TONY! Is this safe?" Steve called across the room.
"I dont know Cap, but its all we've got."
"Are you sure about this Han?" Steve questioned, concern covering his face.
"No, but its my only chance at getting them back Steve. I'll be okay, promise."
Hannah ran across the room to kiss Steve on the cheek, pulling away to smile at him before running back to follow Tony to the lab.  They were all nervous, it was just Steve was showing it more than usual.  The Avengers strong leader had finally found someone to truly worry about, and he had to admit that it was scaring him.  Hed fallen deeply this time, and he couldnt lose anyone else. He wouldn't.

"Okay Han, I need you to lie down on the bed and roll up your sleeve.  Its going to be an injection of the formula Tony and I have created, so it might sting a bit, but it shouldnt hurt for too long.  The effects should be pretty instant, so well know relatively quickly as to whether or not it's worked.  Just stay calm. We'll be here with you the whole time," Bruce explained calmly in an attempt to reassure Hannah.
"It's fine Bruce, really, if I could handle the injection that took my powers, I'm sure I can handle this, but thank you for reassuring me.  Come on, lets do it."
"Okay, injecting now," Bruce said as the needle plunged into Hannah's arm, releasing the formula into her bloodstream.
Hannah screamed out as Bruce removed the needle.
"HAN?!" Tony called out, rushing to her side.
The writhing continued for a few minutes before Hannah began to settle back down flat on the bed.
"Han? You okay?" Tony questioned as he held her hand in his.  He could still feel her shaking slightly, leading him to automatically rub his thumb across the back of her hand soothingly.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you," Hannah replied, smiling slightly at Tony, sounding slightly out of breath from the screaming.
"Do you feel any different Hannah? Can you feel your powers? I know it might take a moment, so don't try to use them until I tell you," Bruce explained.
"Umm, not really, but I guess it was like second nature being able to feel them before, so maybe that's why."
"Just stand up slowly Han, we'll get you into a wheelchair so you don't have to stand for too long, and we'll get you to the training room so you can test out whether or not your powers are working again," Tony said as he helped Hannah stand up.

Tony wheeled Hannah out of the lab and into the elevator.  Just as the doors were about to shut to take the three of them down to the training room, a muscular arm shot out and forced the doors to re-open.
"Han! Are you okay? Where are you going?" Steve questioned as he stepped into the elevator and crouched down in front of Hannah.
"Just taking Han to the training room, we need to see if the formula has worked." Tony looked down at Steve, noticing the rare traces of the puppy dog look in his eyes. "Of course, you're welcome to come too Steve," he explained with a quick smile.
"Steve?" Hannah said as she held her hand out for him to take, to which he obliged.
Steve smiled at Hannah before following the group to the training room once the doors had opened again.

"Okay Han, stand up slowly, lean on Cap if you need to.  Then we just want you to try to fire your powers at that wall over there.  Don't panic if it doesn't work, we can try something else, we'll find something else," Tony explained as he knelt down in front of Hannah's wheelchair.
"Thanks Tone," Hannah said with a small smile.  "And don't worry, I know it might not work."
Steve took Tony's place in front of Hannah, making sure he was at the right level for her to pull herself up.  Once she was on her feet, Hannah let go of Steve's shoulders and stood on her own, steadying herself for a moment.  Without a beat, Hannah launched her powers at the wall in front of her.  Her face quickly dropped, as did the heads of the group behind her.  There was no frost, no ice, no powers.  The formula hadn't worked.
Steve quickly walked over to Hannah and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"It's gonna be okay Han.  Remember what I said?  You're more than your powers, they don't define you.  All of that still rings true, you're still you Han."
"Thank you, Steve.  I just really wanted this to work," Hannah said as Steve spun her round slowly by the shoulders before pulling her into his arms.
"I know Han, I know."
"There's still hope Hannah. We can get Jarvis to run alternative formulas for something that may work," Bruce explained.
"We're not giving up Hannah," Tony said with a small smile.

Without warning, Tony's phone began buzzing.
"Urgent message from Fury, everyone needs to meet upstairs, right now."
"Best get moving then," Hannah said, smiling up at Steve before grabbing his hand and walking towards the elevator.
Tony turned to Bruce, "You heard the woman, best get moving, don't wanna keep Mr Pirate waiting!"

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