Chapter 31 - Nightmare is an Understatement

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The ballroom Hannah and Steve stepped into was grand, if not somewhat over the top. Luckily, they weren't overdressed by any stretch. There were people in full ball gowns and suits, most people there, as it turned out, were in masks, meaning the avengers didn't look out of place.
"You still okay?" Steve asked as they stood in the doorway to the ballroom.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Come on, let's get this over with."
With that, the pair walked arm in arm down the stairs.
"To let you know, if I slip into a British accent when I'm talking to any of the other guests, don't be alarmed, it's so, hopefully, no one recognised me."
"British accent, got it."
"Steve, relax would you? It'll be okay."
"It should be me telling you that, considering the company we'll be keeping this evening. But thank you. You relax too. Okay?"
"Deal." Hannah said as the pair made their way over to the bar.

"A drink ma'am?" Steve said with a wink.
"Archers and lemonade please sir." Hannah replied with a chuckle.
While Steve leant on the bar, ordering their drinks, Hannah turned to, subtly, scope out the rest of the room. In doing so, she located the rest of the Avengers, all still in their pairings, but still no sign of Mr Meyers.

"There we go," Steve said as he gave Hannah her drink.
"Thanking you."
"So, anything?" Steve questioned, taking a sip of his drink.
"Apart from locating the others, no, nothing at all."
With that last word, Hannah stopped dead in her tracks, seeing the man she thought she'd never see again.

Amidst all the fear and confusion, Hannah hadn't noticed her drink fall out of her hand, luckily Steve had, and managed to catch the bottom of the glass before it hit the floor and smashed.

When Steve stood back up, he placed both his and Hannah's drinks on the bar and took her arm in his hand.
"Hey, Han, it's okay, I've got you. Come on, dance with me."
In that moment, it only dawned on Steve that he'd never asked anyone to dance since Peggy, but he didn't care. Hannah needed him and he needed to stop being afraid of caring about someone for fear of losing them.

Hannah nodded slightly, never taking her eyes off Jason.
"Just relax Han, come on, remember our deal?" Steve said with a cheeky grin in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood.
With that comment, Hannah's shoulders dropped and her eyes flicked back to Steve. Hannah couldn't muster a smile, but that was okay with Steve, just having her focus on something other than Jason was good enough for now.
"I can't dance Steve." Hannah said, still working on loosing up slightly.
"That's good, neither can I, so you won't know if I'm doing it wrong." Steve explained, earning a chuckle from Hannah. "There you are! I thought you'd been replaced back there!"
Hannah laughed,"No. I'm sorry Steve, he just really gets to me."
"I get it, I had someone like that too. He was part of the reason I lost Bucky the first time."
"I'm sorry Steve." Hannah said, bowing her head slightly.
"Hey, none of that," Steve said, putting a finger under her chin and lifting it slightly," it's okay now, all fixed."

Hannah and Steve leaned into each other and just swayed, because it was the only type of dancing either of them knew how to do, but that was okay, in that moment, all they needed to know was that the other person was there.

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