Chapter 24 - Sneak Attack

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"You feelin' more at ease now that you've got a room and some new clothes Han?" Tony asked as they walked into the elevator together. The elevator ran down the middle of the building, annoyingly, so Hannah couldn't see what the weather was doing, but she was hoping to explore New York later regardless.
"Yeah, considerably thanks. It's certainly made me feel more at home in the tower. And hopefully it won't take me too long to find my way around thanks to your handy addition to the elevator," Hannah explained, giving Tony a knowing smile.
"I'm glad you liked my surprise is all I can say," Tony said with a wink, making Hannah laugh.

The elevator soon opened to reveal Steve's floor, sending a waft of Steve's Abercrombie aftershave with them. Hannah wasn't going to complain about the smell of course, it was the best smell in the whole tower apart from when dinner was cooking.
"Ladies first," Tony said as he politely gestured towards the elevator doors.
"Thank you," Hannah exclaimed, her voice going higher towards the end of the sentence.

Once they'd reached the door to Steve's bedroom, Tony turned to Hannah,
"Sometimes with Cap, you've gotta do a sneak attack."
Tony flashed a grin at Hannah before throwing the door open, without knocking.
Sure enough, as if Tony had predicted it, Steve's bed was empty, the covers thrown back and the light on in the en-suite bathroom.
"Bed rest my ass!" Tony yelled, making Hannah jump and a manly grunt could be heard from the bathroom.
Hannah carefully set the plate of breakfast down on the bedside cabinet.
"Geez Tony, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Steve said as he made his way into the bedroom, dressed in jeans and a white V-neck shirt.
"Serves ya right Cap. You know for a Captain you sure are a crappy listener. Right, sit on the bed & let me check you over."
"Yes Sir," Steve said, winking at Hannah while giving Tony a mocking salute.
"Haha, very funny Rogers," Tony said in a sarcastic, unamused tone.

Once Steve was laid down on the bed, Tony began checking for any signs of the wounds he'd treated him for, or any pain where they'd been.
Hannah was, for some reason, taken a back by Steve's abs, which had become visible when Tony was checking the gunshot wound to his abdomen, which was, by now, completely healed. Hannah's eyes weren't drawn immediately to the chiselled stomach that was on show, but instead to the faint, but still evident scars that littered Steve's torso. Each one a reminder of a time he could've died, but hadn't.

Hannah's thoughts were soon interrupted by Tony's voice.
"Well, lucky for you Cap, everything seems to have healed well over the last day. You'll get some scarring of course, but at least you won't get yelled at by Barnes or Wilson for not keeping your butt in bed this morning." Tony explained as he headed for the door. "So I guess you're free to show Han around New York then? I'll leave you both to it."
With a reassuring hand on Hannah's shoulder, Tony made his way out of the room.
"Thanks Tone," Steve called after him, flashing Hannah a small smile.
"Anytime Cap," Tony called back.
"So, you want me to show you around today? I mean, if you've got other stuff you wanna do, that's fine, we can wait till another-"
"That'd be great Steve, thank you." Hannah said with a smile.
"Great!" Steve said with a grin, perking up slightly. "How about I put a shirt on, we grab you a jacket & we'll take my bike and make a day of it?" Steve asked, standing up from the bed & making his way to his wardrobe.
"Sounds perfect." Hannah replied.

Once Steve had emerged from the wardrobe wearing a red & black tartan shirt, he quickly ate his breakfast and pulled on a pair of brown lace up boots before turning back to Hannah.
"Okay, let's go grab your jacket and get going!"
Steve grabbed the keys to his bike and the pair made their way back to the elevator.

Once they'd made it to her floor, Hannah stepped out of the elevator before turning to look at Steve.
"You can come in ya know." She said with a smile.
Steve obliged and followed behind her. It didn't take Hannah long to find a black leather jacket amongst her new wardrobe. The clothes she had arrived in had been thrown away upon her request. She wanted absolutely no reminders of the squalid conditions Hydra had forced her to live in.

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