Chapter 17 - Interrogation

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Hannah stepped out of the elevator into the main floor of the tower where the sitting area was. She still couldn't believe how vast the building was. She could see it taking quite a while to get used to this place. If she was allowed to stay that was.

"Miss Hannah," Hannah was snapped out of her thoughts by Jarvis. "If you'd like to follow the open doors, starting with the one to your right."
Hannah turned her whole body to face the door.
"Right. Thank you Jarvis."
And with that, Hannah set off through the doors Jarvis had opened.
"You know, Miss Hannah, I'm sure it won't be as bad as you're expecting it to be. Sergeant Barnes is only doing it for a background check. He already seems to suggest that Captain Rogers trusts you."
Hannah chuckled slightly. "Thank you Jarvis. I really hope it goes well. Not that there's any reason it shouldn't."
Apart from one minor detail. But that doesn't have to be mentioned if she doesn't want it to be.
"This is the last door Miss Hannah. Just knock before you enter. Sergeant Barnes is already in there."
"Thank you Jarvis. You've made me feel very welcome so far."
"My pleasure Miss."

So with that, Hannah knocked on the door before pushing it open. Sure enough, Bucky was sat at the desk in the centre of the large room.
"Hannah. Come on in. Take a seat. Did you want some water?"
"Umm, yes please."
Hannah was slightly taken a back by his behaviour. He was much calmer and more relaxed than she had expected him to be, given how he was when they first met. And that confusion must have shown in her face.
Bucky turned round with a slight smile on his face, holding 2 glasses of water. His face then dropped and he let out a sigh. "The others told you it was going to be an interrogation didn't they?"
Hannah nodded.
Bucky sighed again and set the glasses down on the table. "It's really not that bad y'know. I just need to ask you a few questions and then we'll get security clearance for the tower sorted, and assign you a room. Providing you want to stay that is."
Hannah looked wide eyed at Bucky. "I'd love to stay!"
"Great. So let's get started shall we?" Bucky said, leaning his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hands.

"Right," Bucky said, clicking his pen and adjusting his paper. "Full name please Hannah."
"Umm, I don't actually know. I jumped between foster homes until I was 7 when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. So it's always been just, Hannah." While this wasn't strictly true, well, not true at all. She knew her surname but that would over complicate things. Although, no doubt they'd find out who she was eventually, that time didn't need to be now, or anytime soon if Hannah could help it.
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry to hear that. So, umm, age?"
"I'm 26."
"Great. Place of birth? I'm sorry there are so many personal questions Hannah, it's just for background checks." Bucky explained with a slight smile.
"It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry, I can't give you much to do on. I also don't know where I was born, what with being sent away at 2 weeks old." Again, not strictly true, but no doubt her S.H.I.E.L.D file would burst her bubble in terms of who she was.
"It's okay, really. It might take a little longer to complete the checks. But give me a couple of hours with Stark, Barton and the S.H.I.E.L.D database and we should be able to pull up your details. Right, you're good to go then Hannah. Oh, and Steve should be awake soon, I just wanna speak to him quickly, and then he's all yours."
"I completely understand Bucky, thank you." Hannah said with a smile.

With that, Hannah turned around and walked back through the doors she used to get there. She headed back across the sitting room floor to the elevator. The wait to see Steve would continue, it would seem, on the roof.

Hmm, what could Hannah be hiding from the team? Well, I know, but you guys will just have to wait and find out xx But wow, two updates in one day! Sorry it's been so long xx hope everyone is okay and enjoying the book so far xx

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