Chapter 15 - Origins explained

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Once everyone was in the jet, including Natasha who it turned out had gone back into the base alone to attempt to find the boys, Clint took the controls so Tony could focus on Steve's wounds.
"We're gonna need the equipment back at the tower if we wanna get all the shrapnel out," Tony explained as he took the magnifying glasses off, having just examined the bullet hole, and the now scar that Steve had picked up on the mission.

Hannah was still sat quietly on one of the seats in the quinjet, just happy to be away from the Hydra base that had been 'home' for far too long now.
Seeing her sat on her own, Clint set the het's autopilot on, walked over to Hannah and took a seat next to her.
"You know," Clint said, making Hannah jump slightly. Clearly she had been lost in thought, "they're not all as macho and scary as they can seem."
Hannah let out a breathy laugh. "I know. Besides, every Hydra agent seems to think they're macho and scary. Truth is, they're all idiots with a wonky moral compass." Hannah said with a laugh.
Hannah's comment made Clint laugh too. "You know, you're alright kid." He said as he put a hand in Hannah's shoulder, making her smile.
"So, what's your story? Or do you wanna wait till we're back at the tower?" Clint asked.
Hannah suddenly became aware that she had an audience in the form of the other avengers. Minus Steve of course, who had been given an anaesthetic injection, a strong one considering his serum.
"Might as well do it here, hadn't I." Hannah stated before making herself comfortable on the chair, sitting forward slightly and resting her elbows on her thighs.
"Well, I guess I should start from the beginning. Umm, I didn't exactly have a normal childhood, my mon died when I was 3 weeks old, trying to protect me. Then I got taken away from my dad 4 days later and sent away. I got out into the SHIELD training academy at the age of 7 on the personal order of Nick Fury, because of my powers. I got kidnapped by Hydra during my first solo mission, and the rest is history I guess, so yeah. That's me in a nutshell." Hannah said with a solemn smile.
"I thought I recognised you from somewhere! Little Hannah, all quiet and reserved until you learnt how to use your powers. Wow! We all thought you were dead." Clint exclaimed.
"I didn't think you'd recognise me."
"I didn't! Your hair has changed colour and you grew up. But it's still you! Wait till fury finds out!" Clint said before pulling Hannah into a warm hug.
"Thank you Clint. But Coulson will probably be more shocked though, right?! He was one of the Ines who trained me after all." Hannah said.
The group went quiet and looked around at each other.
"What? Did I say something?" Hannah question, looking around at the group.
"Han, Coulson's dead. I'm so sorry. He died during the battle of New York 2 years ago." Clint said solemnly.
"Oh. Wow," Hannah said, shocked as she sat back in the chair.
"You wanna take a minute?" Tony asked as he stood up from his spot in the opposite wall to chairs.
"No, no, Im okay. Just shocked, that's all. I always used to think Coulson was indestructible."
"We all did Hannah. It was a shock to all of us. But it helped us become a team, because that's what Coulson wanted us to be and he believed we could do it." Natasha said as she went over and sat next to Clint.

The moment was followed by an awkward pause.

Before too long, Clint spoke again.
"So, how old are you now Han?"
"I'm 26," Hannah said, looking at Clint with a smile.
"Wow! You were 17 when you got captured weren't you?" Clint exclaimed with a shocked expression. "How'd you last that long in Hydra?"
"I ended up doing their dirty work for them, wasn't pretty, especially once they'd worked out my powers, but hey, it could have been worse," she said, looking over at Bucky who gave her a small, knowing smile.

Before long, the group has made it back to Stark tower. Hannah walked in side and looked in awe at the sitting area she was stood in.
"Hey Hannah," Tony said as Hannah turned to face him, "why don't you go and take a look around? I'll get my AI Jarvis to tell you when Steve's had the bullet removed and again when you're okay to see him."
"Didn't Bucky say he wanted to ask me some questions?"
"Yeah, well, I'm sure Barnes won't mind waiting. Besides, Clint seems to know and trust you so that's good enough for me." Tony explained with a smile. "Go on, I need to help Bruce with Steve."
Hannah smiled and went to leave.
"Oh, and Han," Tony yelled to her as she stopped and turned, "if you wanted some fresh air and sun for a while, there's a nice view on the roof with a few bean bags up there, plus Jarvis still works up there so he can still give you updates on Steve."
Hannah smiled. "Thank you Tony."
Tony smiled and then began to walk in the direction of the lab.

Hannah finally felt free for the first time in 9 years. Now she just hoped she could make it through Bucky's questions with that trust still in tact.

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