Chapter 45 - Long Overdue

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Hannah relaxed in her bed, light streaming in through her newly opened window, the fresh air reducing the potency of the hospital smell in her room.  She'd been glad when she'd woken up and found Steve sitting next to her bed.  It had made her feel less trapped, something Hydra had tried to make her feel at every given opportunity.  Currently, Steve was visiting Sam, who was still out, but he'd wanted to see Natasha, Bucky and Tony, so Hannah had requested a sandwich and crisps and promised to get some rest while he was gone.

Not long after Hannah had shut her eyes, there was a knock on the door.  Given they would have been cleared by the SHIELD agents that were guarding her door, ensuring no unauthorised visitors like Jason got in, she let them know they could come in with a raspy "Come in."
The sight that she was met with was slightly surprising.  Thor was stood in the doorway to her room, small bunch of flowers in hand.
"Steven told me you were awake, so I came down to talk.  Only if you feel up to it though."  Thor said, still hovering, somewhat sheepishly, in the doorway.
"Yeah, that's fine Thor.  Come on in."  Hannah said with a smile.
"Thank you Hannah.  Where should I put these?"  Thor asked in reference to the flowers.
"Um, just in the glass at the end of the bed should be fine Thor, thank you!"

Once the flowers were in the glass of water, Thor sat down in the chair next to Hannah's bed, which had previously been inhabited by Steve.
"So, what did you want to talk about?"  Hannah asked, turning her head slightly to look at Thor, being careful not to pull any of the stitches on her legs and torso.
"Um, well."  Thor looked down at his hands as he spoke. "I wanted to talk about your father."
"Ah.  I figured this was coming.  What d'ya wanna know?"
"Did you always know where you came from, and who your father was?"  Thor asked, looking straight at Hannah.
"Um, not always.  I only found out once I joined SHIELD.  I met Fury and someone called Danvers, they told me who I was.  I didn't really know about you Thor.  I knew I had an uncle, but not what you looked like or your name.  I pieced things together from talking to Steve, but trying to keep my identity a secret meant I couldn't bring it up with you.  I'm sorry Thor."  Hannah looked at Thor apologetically.
"I see.  You certainly don't need to apologise, it makes sense that they told you.  I left a letter for Fury when he took you in.  I don't know a Danvers though."
"So you knew about me?"  Hannah asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Yes, I did.  I asked my friend Heimdall to keep an eye on you in your youth.  That stopped when you were 7 years old because you were in the care of SHIELD, but clearly I should have continued to ensure your safety.  I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you from Hydra Hannah."
"It wasn't your fault Thor.  The only fault was with Hydra,"  Hannah smiled softly.  "How did Loki react when I was taken away?"
"He was distraught.  Loosing you and your mother so close together nearly tore him apart.  He hated Odin for what he had done, but Frigga, our mother, used her magic to make him forget you and Sigyn, it was her way of sparing him pain."
"Do you think he would have kept me?  If he could, if Odin had allowed it?"  Hannah felt like she was discovering a new side of herself, and she didn't know how she felt about it.
"Of course!  But the all father still believed that Princes should focus on royal duties, and the women should take care of the children.  Is there anything else you wish to know young Hannah?"  Thor was aware of how many questions Hannah probably had, and wanted to try his best to answer them, but he was also aware Steve had told her she needed to rest.
"Does it mean I'm banished from Asgard?  If Odin sent me away in the first place, surely he wouldn't allow me back?"
"Not necessarily.  At the time, Odin saw you as a burden on Loki, a distraction, because you were a child, but Loki is locked away for his crimes, and you are older, so you may yet be able to return, in time."

"Of course.  Definitely not right now."  Hannah said as she gestured at the hospital room around her.  "Thank you Thor, for explaining everything, and for the flowers.  I feel like I got a piece of me back, ya know?"

"I understand.  It is also a lot to take in, so I shall allow you to rest and return to son of Wil.  Goodbye Hannah."

With a nod of his head and a smile, Thor was gone, only to be quickly replaced by Steve.

"Sorry I took so long.  Frittos or Doritos?"  Steve asked with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smile, a sight that Hannah would never tire of seeing, while holding up 2 bags of crisps.

"I'd hate to deprive you of your Doritos."  Hannah said with a grin.

"Frittos for you it is then!"

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