Chapter 25 - Expedition of Sorts

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Hannah felt completely safe and content on the back of Steve's bike.  Despite the lack of a helmet, and having only known Steve for a short amount of time, she knew she was well protected if anything were to happen.

As they drove, the wind whipped through Hannah's hair, attacking her face, but she knew the fresh air was doing her the world of good, and if it got Steve out of the tower then it couldn't be a bad thing.

Hannah's thoughts were interrupted as the bike took a right turn and began to slow down before stopping at the side of the pavement.  Steve jumped off the bike and held out his hand to help Hannah off.
"You said you wanted to see New York, so Im'ma show you what I know first." Steve said with a smile as he helped Hannah off the bike.
It was only then that Hannah realised what he meant.  Steve had brought her home, to his personal place, the only place he truly knew.  His Brooklyn.

Once Steve had secured his bike, he turned to find Hannah examining her surroundings with fresh, wide eyes.
"It's changed a bit since 1945, but I'll do my best. Come on," Steve said as he held his arm out for Hannah to link with.  "I'll show you around."
Hannah gladly took Steve's arm with a smile, still in awe of Brooklyn's beautiful houses and tree lined streets.  The walk was made even better by Steve's commentary of where he and Bucky used to play and hang out as kids, and the list of places where Steve had been beaten up was longer than her arm!  But that didn't matter.  It was a nice change, hearing Steve talk about himself and his life, the past few days had been filled with Hannah's backstory, or what she knew at least.  Steve on the other hand was proving to be far more interesting.
"And this," Steve said just as they stopped walking, "is where I grew up."
He gestured towards a four story apartment block that stood tall in front of them.  The evidence of crumbling bricks in places told Hannah that, while the place had probably been tweaked a little since Steve was a kid, the foundations were the same.  Steve pointed up to the second floor of the building, closing one eye in the process to focus in on one specific window.
"And that, is my old apartment."
The pride and smile on Steve's face made it obvious how happy he was to be in Brooklyn, and just how much of a Brooklyn boy he truly was.

"Right, come on then you.  We've got plenty more to see," Steve said with a half smile that tugged at the left hand side of his mouth.
Hannah smiled at the somewhat goofy soldier that stood next to her.  Except it wasn't Captain America who was showing her around New York, no, this was Steve Rogers, the same guy on the inside, serum or no serum.  Looking at him now, you wouldn't think it was the same person who was Captain America, but the little inklings of his appearance pointed towards his origins in 1945.  The jeans for example, too high and held in position with a belt, something you would never see from someone his age nowadays.

Hannah snapped out of her thoughts when a hand closed around hers and tugged.  Evidently, this newly discovered excitable puppy side to Steve Rogers wanted to go to their next destination and had grown bored of staring at the past and re-living old memories.

Having spent a while on the back of the bike, Steve soon pulled into their next location, which just so happened to be a quaint café just under the shadow of Avengers tower.  If you didn't know about it or hadn't heard of it, you probably wouldn't know it was there, Hannah certainly didn't, even after all of her time spent looking over New York from the roof of the tower.

The pair stepped off the bike once again and Hannah resumed her position on Steve's arm.
"Y'know, this is one of the best spots for architectural drawing."
"Well I'm glad you told me, because I wouldn't have had a clue otherwise." Hannah said, causing them both to laugh.
"It was my spot after I woke up.  Meant I could clear my head.  But it was destroyed during the battle of New York, along with everything else.  So I personally requested that Tony supplied the funds to rebuild it, after I explained how much it helped me, and he did.  I helped with the repairs, and in return, I get a free coffee every month and a place to sit and draw any time I need it."
Hannah looked at Steve with wide eyes throughout his explanation. "One coffee a month?!  Is that it?"  Hannah said with a slight laugh.
"I didn't want anything, that's as low as they were willing to go." Steve said with a laugh as he led Hannah to a table and pulled a seat out for her.
"Thank you. Well I think its lovely here." Hannah said with a smile as she sat down, following Steve with her eyes as he took the seat across from her at the table.

A young male waiter soon approached the table.
"Oh, Captain! Nice to see you again Sir! The usual is it?" The young man looked somewhat excited by the presence of the super solider.
"Yes thanks Nick.  And whatever Hannah here wants."  Steve said, flashing a smile at them both in turn.
"Um, just a hot chocolate thanks."  Hannah said with a smile at Nick, the waiter.  It was generous of Steve to pay but she didn't want to take advantage.
"Whipped cream and marshmallows Miss?"
Hannah looked to Steve, almost asking for permission.
Steve laughed slightly, "Yes please.  And a lemon muffin, thanks."  Steve said, still slightly laughing.
The waiter, Nick, turned on his heels having smiled at the pair, and left to fetch their order.
"Ya know, when I said anything you want, I did mean it Han."  Steve said, leaning his head in his hands with his elbows on the table.
"I know, sorry, I just didn't want to take advantage of your good will."  Hannah said, mimicking Steve's leaning. "Also, you didn't mention in your favourite snack list yesterday that you like lemon muffins."  Hannah said with a cheeky smile.  Needless to say, the pair had found the time to talk about anything and everything while Steve was confined to his bed.
"No," Steve replied, leaning back and smiling before resuming his previous position, "But you did.  That and the fact that your eyes kept falling on that part of the menu.  Can't have you going hungry now, can we?"  Steve said with a smirk.
"Ever the gentleman Mr Rogers,"  Hannah said, returning the smirk.  "So, what head clearing do you do  when you come here?"  Hannah questioned, looking at Steve inquisitively.
"Ya know, the usual stuff."
When Hannah looked to Steve for more answers, the chance to elaborate felt welcome and new.
"Everything I saw in the war, all the death, the loss of other soldiers.  The losses I faced."  Steve's mind wandered for a moment before snapping back.  "I've lost Bucky three times now, and every time has felt like my fault.  Letting him go to war, letting him fall off the train, and letting him run away when I found out he was alive.  I guess I come here to get outta my own head, ya know?"
Hannah looked at Steve with wide eyes.  "You can't blame yourself for all of that Steve.  Bucky chose to go to war, you tried to catch him, and you were injured and unconscious when he ran away.  The important thing is that you have him back now, and I know things will never be exactly the same as they were, but things never are.  You just have to move with the times and help both Bucky and yourself when you can."  Hannah gave Steve a reassuring smile which Steve gladly returned.
"Thank you Han."
"Anytime Steve."

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