Chapter 22 - Rise and Shine

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When Hannah finally woke from what had to be the best sleep she'd had since Hydra captured her, the alarm clock next to her bed read 9:30am. Definitely her longest sleep in quite some time then.

After sitting up in bed for a few minutes making sure she was fully awake, she swung her legs round to sit on the side of the bed.
"Miss Hannah," Jarvis said in a quitter tone than usual so as not to alarm her.
"Hey Jarvis." She replied with a smile & a stretch to prepare her for the morning.
"Good morning Miss Hannah. Mr Stark wished for me to inform you that breakfast is being served downstairs and that he has a surprise for you."
"Oh, okay, thanks Jarvis. Tell him I'll be down in a minute." Hannah said with suspicion in her voice.
"My pleasure."

Hannah proceeded to push herself off the side of the bed & made her way over to the walk in wardrobe to collect her clothes from the day before. Before she could open the door, however, she found a note tapped to the door.

Spoiler alert, you passed your clearance test! (Tony told me).

Congratulations Han!

Thought this could be a well deserved present!

Steve x

Hannah's smile grew wider as she continued to read the letter.
"I passed!" Hannah said quietly to herself. She looked up at the ceiling. "Thank you Coulson. I know you had something to do with this." She said with a smile.

Hannah's smile continued to grow when she opened the door to the wardrobe. It was full to the brim with new clothes, all of which were in her size, miraculously.
"Nice guess boys."
Hannah grabbed socks, a bra, underwear, a pair of long, grey and turquoise leggings & a fitted sports top and put them on. She then jogged over to the elevator to join the others for breakfast.

As Hannah got into the elevator & went to press the button to take her down to the main floor, she found Tony's surprise.

So you don't get lost again Kiddo

Sure enough, Tony had stuck labels under each of the buttons, detailing what was on each floor, as per her suggestion.

Hannah smiled to herself. "My training wheels."

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