Chapter 59 - Just Clicked

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Hannah awoke to light flooding into her room. She'd woken up facing the window, meaning the light was brighter than she'd have liked. Her eyes were only partially open when she rolled over to find a sleeping figure inhabiting the other side of her bed.

Steve had fallen asleep not long after he'd laid down, and he'd somehow managed to stay almost perfectly still during the night, with the exception of his hands moving to under his head.

As Hannah looked at him, her eyes stopped squinting and gradually adjusted to the light in the room. Steve's torso was rising and falling slowly, he looked peaceful, as if the years in the ice and all the stress he carried melted away, and he looked his age for once. There were no furrowed brows from being the serious one in the team, no wrinkles from crying over lost years. He was just Steve. Not captain America, but then Hannah had never seen him as anything other than Steve Rogers. The man who had his life snatched away by doing the right thing. The man she'd fallen in love with.

As Hannah ran the back of her index finger along Steve's cheek, the soldier's eyes fluttered open, to reveal the blue pools that Hannah could get lost in for hours, given the chance. Steve stretched delicately, careful not to hit Hannah in doing so, before returning to his original position on the bed.
"Well, there are certainly worse sights to wake up to. Thanks for bringing me up last night," Hannah said with a smile, placing her hand on Steve's shoulder and letting it run down his arm, and back up again.
"Nat said you'd say that. And it's no problem, there wasn't really enough room on the couch for both of us, and you looked exhausted, figured you'd be comfier in your own bed," Steve said, pushing a piece of hair out of Hannah's face so it was secured behind her ear.
"Thank you," Hannah said with a smile that creased the corners of her eyes. "Oh, and what's with you on top of the duvet? Bed not comfy enough without an extra layer?" Hannah chuckled.
"Haha, no, I didn't want to push any boundaries, I didn't know what was appropriate."
"You're so cute. You really would have been okay to sleep under the duvet, but thank you for respecting me. I don't think I've ever met anyone like you, Steve Rogers."
"I guess I'm just over cautious sometimes. At least now I know for future reference," Steve said with a smile.
"That you do. So, what's the plan for today?" Hannah questioned as she rolled so she was on her back and her hands were behind her head.
"Up to you. I didn't make any plans because I didn't know what you'd feel up to doing," Steve explained, a slightly sad smile pulling at the side of his mouth.
"Well, after your pep talk yesterday, I'm feeling better, and I kinda wanna do something, go out, sit in the park, get some food, specifically cake," Hannah said, making them both laugh.
"I think we can manage cake, especially after the time we've had lately."
"Perfect. I'm gonna grab a shower, get changed, and then I'll meet you downstairs in the lounge?" Hannah questioned, pushing herself up so she was sat up in bed facing Steve.
"Sounds perfect," Steve said with a smile.

As Hannah went to get up out of bed, she turned back to Steve and leant over him, before pecking him on the lips. Once they'd separated, Hannah smirked and walked off to the bathroom, leaving Steve with a huge grin on his face. They felt more comfortable with each other than with anyone else. They just clicked.

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