Chapter 11 - Unexpected Abilities

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"Now!" Steve yelled suddenly.
Sam's wings shot our the back of his pack before he flew upwards to the ceiling and forward to begin attacking the Hydra agents.  Bucky grabbed the gun off his back and began shooting while Steve ran at them with his shield in front of him.  Hannah's move was possibly the most suprising, for the boys that is.  She out her foot part way up the wall and pushed off to start her attack from above.  The first agent threw her to the ground but probably regretted it when he got a foot to the fave and was swiftly knocked out.

Less than a second after that, Hannah became aware of someone behind her and an arm round her waist.
"Back Han, now!" Steve yelled.
Suddenly, the remaining Hydra agents reached behind them and pulled out flame throwers.
"How did you..." Hannah began before she was interupted.
"Lets just say experience." Steve replied.
The four of them jumped back quickly to avoid the flames.
"I got this," Hannah said before she was aware of Steve's hand grabbing her arm, "Trust me?"
Steve and Hannah locked eyes for a minute before Steve let go.
"I trust you." Steve said.
Hannah smiled at him before turning around again to face the Hydra agents.  Before the agents even had a chance to run in either direction or do anything at all, Hannah had summoned her powers and frozen their flame throwers in a split second.  She then proceeded to spring off again and take out the agents while they were still in a state of confusion.

Once all the agents were either out cold or dead, Hannah turned back round to face the boys.  She was met with three extremely confused faces, including an open mouthed Sam.
"You, you're an enhanced?" Sam mumbled.
"Not enhanced, I've had my powers since birth."
Steve snapped out of his shocked state.
"Right.  Come on then guys," he said before continuing to move forward to the quinjet.
Hannah smiled at Sam and Bucky before running after Steve.
Sam and Bucky turned to look at each other, shrugged and then followed Steve and Hannah.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" Couldn't resist using that quote. I hope you're still enjoying reading this book. I know I've been terrible when it's come to updating this book but I'll try and get better. Hope you're okay xx

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