Chapter 58 - What's the deal?

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Hannah fell asleep on Steve's chest part way through the second movie. His body heat doing its bit to lull her into the sleep she so desperately needed. Crying for the past few days with little or no sleep had been exhausting for her, so it was no wonder she'd fallen asleep so early in the evening.
"She okay Cap?" Sam asked from his spot on the floor by the arm of the sofa Steve was sat on.
"Yeah, she's exhausted that's all. Took her a while to calm down and accept that her powers are gone. She'll be okay. Thanks Sam," Steve explained, earning a small smile in return from Sam.

Over in the kitchen, Natasha and Tony were grabbing more snacks for the team, who had managed to devour the first lot.
"So, what's going on with Cap and Han? They seem to be getting pretty close," Tony asked with a raised eyebrow and slight smirk.
"Nope. You are not getting involved in their affairs Tony, I know what you're like with teasing Steve. They're happy, and that's what matters."
"Received and understood agent Romanoff. Wouldn't dream of invading their privacy." Tony had already hatched a plan, he knew that asking the right questions of either of them would get the result he wanted, so that plan would begin tomorrow, once everyone was well rested.
"You do any teasing or meddling of any kind Stark, and they'll never find the body," Natasha said with a dead-pan look on her face, slightly alarming Tony, but he'd known her long enough now to know when she was joking. He hoped this was one of those times.

"There you go Cap," Natasha said as she handed Steve a bag of chocolate.
"Thanks Nat," Steve said with a smile.
"Maybe you should take her to bed, Steve. She might find it comfier than trying to squeeze her 5" 10 frame on this tiny sofa next to you, regardless of how comfy you are. There isn't really enough room for both of you on there." Natasha said, leaning over the back of the sofa to talk quietly so only Steve could hear her.
"Yeah, I will, thanks Nat. Should I stay with her, or do I go back to my room? I've never really been in a relationship before."
"It's fine Steve, I get it. Stay with her, you're not exactly a bad sight to wake up to." Natasha said with a smirk, giving Steve's shoulder a squeeze before walking back over to her spot with Bucky.

Steve thought about it for a moment, looking down at Hannah, who was still resting peacefully curled into Steve's side with his arm wrapped around her, and decided to take her up.
"I'm gonna head to bed guys. I'll see you in the morning."
Murmurs of 'night Cap' and 'goodnight Steve' were heard from around the room, not a single pair of eyes being pealed away from the TV screen in the process. Steve was fine with that though, at least it meant there wasn't a big deal made of the fact he was taking Hannah back to her room.

Steve gently lifted Hannah's head off of his chest so he could stand up, placing her head down on the sofa as he did so. He then carefully scooped her up into his arms, making sure he didn't wake her, and walked over to the elevator. Steve didn't see, but as he walked to the elevator, Natasha and Sam turned round to watch him, before turning their head and winking at each other, then turning back to the movie.


Once Steve had made it upstairs to Hannah's floor, with a still sleeping Asgardian in his arms, he used his elbow and foot to open the door to her bedroom. Once Hannah had been laid down under the duvet, Steve tucked her in. Having considered what Natasha had told him to do, Steve had decided to stay with Hannah over night, so she didn't feel alone when she woke up. But, being the gentleman he was, he laid down on top of the duvet, careful not to cross the line in their relationship, which had only really started that afternoon.

Steve laid down facing Hannah, watching the rise and fall of her body as she slept. She looked so much more peaceful than she had been when Steve had found her that afternoon. He finally felt like he'd been able to help, using the techniques his mother used to use on him when he felt anxious or useless due to his ailments. He'd used them before, but never to the same extent. He had no idea how Hannah was feeling right now, but he knew he needed to be there for her, no matter what. That was his job now. To show her she was loved, and needed.

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