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The mind is a fickle thing. The thoughts one has over ones self are so easily influenced by the distractions of the world around you. Humans come in many shapes and sizes and though my endless observations I've seen so many put down because of certain traits they have. It may be because they are smaller then most people of their age or because they look different. I could never quite figure out the point of putting another human down because of things that cannot be helped. In what way does it help either person? The mind of humans can so easily be twisted into believing things that may not be entirely true, these things often are how you yourself could be described.

Courage isn't about how strong or weak you are, courage is the will to stand up for yourself otherwise. You can be scared, yet courageous to. It's all in how you perceive it in your own mind. To some, courage comes easily. They're bigger and stronger then others, often boasting about their good deeds to the world. These are not the type of humans that interest me, no. I'm more curious about the ones who've faded into the background, the ones who's deeds go unnoticed by all yet they continue to do them. The little people who's courage is only there when they need it to be.

The girl I've chosen is neither of the above, though she is small she is able to stand up for herself, although she is scared she stills smiles and to this day she has always... Shale we say, perplexed me. Through all her hardships and through all her pain she keeps going in hope of things to get better.

And this my friends, is the most courageous thing I have ever see from a single human being in all my years of watching.

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