~14 Rustboro City

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The air about Petalburg Woods was oddly calming, yet it had a slight eeriness to it as the sun light shone through the thick canopy to cast dancing shadows everywhere the eyes landed. Many Pokémon watched us pass, most of which were seemingly bug types but it wouldn't surprise me if their were many grass type Pokémon in this environment also.

Miku was riding around on Pie through the tall grass and beds of flowers, the young Manaphy and Mudkip were seemingly having a good time, if it weren't for Champ interrupting them here as there, scolding the two for wondering off too far, going too fast or drifting to close to the dens of wild Pokémon. Samurai found his behaviour quite amusing, since it was normally his job to watch out for the members of my team but I did note how he always watched Champ for signs of aggression since it was obvious that when my Meditite became frustrated, he could become somewhat aggressive.

Riley was questioning Gardenia about telepathy, apparently interested in catching a Ralts of his own as they were easy Pokémon to catch and loyal to raise. I could agree as I'd raised two myself. I doubted I'd ever forget the day Samurai and Gardenia hatched, gaining the two as close friends had brought so much joy to my life, even when within Team Plasma's castle, I could always rely on them to make me feel both safe and happy.

Jake and Milly were joining in here and there on the conversation with Gardenia and Riley, trying to get to know the aspiring trainer while explaining to him what they knew about telepathy since it could be very confusing to learn. It came naturally to me now, since I'd been using it for years and since I was young but for someone like Riley, the feat would be harder.

My eyes surveyed the area, pausing momentarily when I realised two of my team were missing. :Gummie, Angel! Where are you guys?: I paused momentarily, waiting for a response. Frowning slightly when they didn't reply, I again tried to call them. :Gummie! Angel! Come here please: After again receiving no reply, I ran to catch up with Samurai. :Samurai, I can't find Gummie or Angel:

For a moment, Samurai was silent, observing the surrounding forest before he sighed slightly. ~I'll go look for them, you stay with the group, okay?~

I nodded, starting to worry about the wellbeing of my Pokémon. What if something bad had happened? Team Plasma used to steal Pokémon what if there were people here in Hoenn who--


I yelped loudly as something grabbed me from behind, practically leaping into Samurai's arms as I whipped around to see what had scared me, only to see Gummie with Angel sitting of her head, both giggling their heads off. The others in the group had stopped to see what the commotion was as I figured out what went on, no doubt Gummie and Angel simply hid further up the path in wait for me to pass, only to scare me when I did wonder pass their hiding place.

:What was that for?: I scolded. :I was worried something bad had happened to you both: I scolded, looking between them both with a hard expression. :You both know that when I call you, you need to come. What if something bad happened and I didn't know because you didn't reply?:

Gummie and Angel both hung their heads guiltily. ~We're sorry Paige, we just meant to surprise you, we didn't mean to scare you.~

Shaking my head slightly, I brought them both into a hug, switching my hard expression to one much softer. :It's okay, just please don't do that to me again. If I call you, please respond, okay? I thought someone bad had taken you or something:

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