~5 False alarm?

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~Jake's pov~

Several hours had passed since the Pokémon Centre was put under lockdown and so far, with no explanation why. I'd seen the horde of Team Aqua out the window but we hadn't told Paige since she was already stressing out about Team Aqua handing her over to Ghetsis. I wanted to go out there and fight them off, get them back for stealing Pokémon but whenever I looked at Paige, curled up beneath the covers of her bed, timidly peeping out I was reminded why I couldn't. Samurai would make Paige leave us if I did, and Paige was more important to me then fighting some stupid evil organisation. Paige would duck under her blankets at the slightest noise, leaving Gardenia to gently sooth her back out. My sister was sitting on her own bed, trying to read a book but was obviously having no success as she constantly looked over the pages, biting her lip in a nervous way.

I was pacing across the room, Samurai's eyes followed my movements as he leant against the wall where he could easily see both the door to the room and his trainer. Gummie was floating above Paige as she trembled on the bottom bunk. Angel sat by the door, her sky blue eyes trained on the handle as if expecting to jump open at any second. Champ was probably the most relaxed out of anyone but that was probably because he still didn't know what had happened in Unova.

There was a shallow creak from somewhere unknown which made Paige jump, burying herself beneath the covers with a small sob. Gardenia let out a small sigh before gently stroking Paige's back, whispering things quietly to her in order to comfort her. After a moment or two, Paige's blue eyes once more peeped above the covers.

I sat down on the end of Milly's bed, the tension in the air was so think, you could snip it with scissors.

Angel's ears twitched before she stood up, pacing by the door. She paused every now and then to glare at the door, her paws making gentle taps on the carpeted floor.

I looked back at Paige who was now sitting up, watching Angel pace around the room. No doubt she was having a private conversation with her Pokémon. I could tell she was upset, no doubt shaken but the appearance of Team Aqua, whoever they were. The only one unaffected by the tension in the room was Miku who was playing with a piece of bubble wrap she had found in one of the draws.


Hours ticked by, the moon was no doubt high in the sky now but there wasn't a way of checking since we had pulled the blinds close. Paige was asleep now, lying in Gardenia's arms in an uneased state. Every now and then she would struggle in her sleep, her Gardevoir would then gently calm her by stroking her hair and whispering comforting things to her. Miku was now unconscious in Paige's arms, struggling into her trainers chest, dead to the world around her... I wonder what Miku dreams about... Oh dear Arceus, what did I just think about?

Gummie was on the spare bunk, also asleep. Champ, Angel and Samurai were still up though. Samurai hadn't moved from his spot, still obviously on edge about the chances of an attack. His red eyes darting to any source of movement or sound, which was often caused by Champ. He'd bang on the walls or use Psychic to move stuff, pissing off Samurai more then words could say. Champ so far seemed to be very arrogant and somewhat of a more self absorbed Pokémon. I was curious to see how this would play out with Paige's other Pokémon who were all team players with a lot more friendly personalities.

A beeping sound filled the room, waking Paige with a start. She clung to Gardenia, nervously looking around the room as the sound of the intercom filled the room. "Thank you trainers for your patience. The lockdown is now over and you are free to leave as you please, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Have a nice night and come again soon."

Paige sighed with relief, slumping into Gardenia's arms. Samurai moved to the edge of the bed, placing a hand on Paige's back. ~See, I told you it would all be fine, didn't I?~

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