~51 The Mossdeep Space Centre

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Mossdeep City was HUGE! From where we had gotten off our merry group of travelers could see the space centre, rocket and all. I marveled over the ginormous machine, unsure as to how something so big could ever even get off the ground, let alone into space. I tugged on Jessica's sleeve - she was the closest to my side - and pointed at it excitedly but she, predictably, was distracted. The ravenette huddling up close to the group with a timid expression over her features, her shaking hand over her Pokeballs.

The connection between the urban environment of the city and the natural forest that had obviously been here long before Mossdeep. Tall trees - I'm not that knowledgeable on the different types of trees - with pointy tops grew alongside moderate sized towers. It was very windy here and in the distance I could see Mossdeep Academy - Jessica's old school. My younger yet taller friend watched it with a straight face.

I remembered seeing Harrison and Laura trying to shove Jessica into a trash can just a few months ago - she'd lived through that everyday for years before of other kids in this town but there was one big difference with her being back; she wasn't alone anymore, she had a group of friends who at this point, were just sick of other people treating us like garbage. We wouldn't let Jessica be hurt by anyone and we have one Kiwaii Miku to stop them.

"Well," Milly began, checking her watch. "It's a little too early to be meeting us with Tate and Liza, so, any ideas on what to do first?" 

"As long as we stay away from the school, I do not care."

Milly nodded. "Noted... We could check out the space centre?" She suggested, looking over a flier she had picked on the dock. "There isn't too much otherwise... Gym, Contest Hall... The school offers tours but we won't be doing that for obvious reasons... Yeah I think the Mossdeep Space Centre is our best bet."

With no objections to the idea, we began meandering our way over to the space centre, no real idea of where to go other then the constant looming rocket to lead our way. Kay chatted constantly about what it must be like in space, filling our little group with the constant sound I hadn't even realised I missed until now.

"Hey Trashbag!?"

Jessica let out a heavy groan, freezing as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Well that took longer then expected."

N spun around on his heel, facing Harrison and his small posy of school aged kids - obviously annoyed with how much these people were bugging us. "Do kids these days serious have nothing better to do then harass other kids?" He asked, looking down on them. N is practically a Christmas Tree, he was much bigger then these jerks.

A boy I didn't know crossed his arms. "We just don't like drug addicted trash in our city."

"Well, I don't want to be in this pisspoor excuse of a village, but alas the gym and contests being help here make it necessary, I can't wait to be rid of this place and that smell, have you ever smelt anything so putrid." He spoke as if the City was such a disaster zone.

I couldn't help but giggle, N could be a tad over dramatic.

The boys didn't seem to like that however. "If your so much better then this City beat us in a battle.

Now it was N's turn to laugh aloud, turning on his heel and ushering us off. "Please you children aren't worth the time, which is far to valuable to be spending on a bunch on entitled, spoilt brats."

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