~10 The second round

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The dull voice of an announcer ran through the lobby, telling all in the room to turn their attention to the screen for those moving on to the next round. Milly's eyes rose to watch, as did mine. I held my breath as each face moved across the screen, announcing the victors of the first round. Milly's face was one of the first but as each flashed across the screen, my nerves increased more and more as each disappointed. So far, I had not appeared with only five spots left.





N- Oh wait, there I was!

I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing my shoulders as I appeared as the very last face of those passing through. That was a close one for sure, but it didn't particularly mean I was bad since the faces popped up in random order with the exception of those who couldn't stand that kind of pressure because of anxiety difficulties, who appeared first.

Milly came up next to me, hugging me tightly from the side. "Looks like we're officially rivals now Paige." She smiled.

But I didn't, weren't rivals meant to fight all the time? I didn't want to have to fight Milly, I wanted to be friends with her, like we are now. Maybe being a coordinator wasn't such a good idea.

~Rivals don't necessarily have to be enemies Paige, a rival can simply be someone you know and compete with in certain tasks. Milly can be your rival but still be your friend too.~ Gardenia explained as she read my mind, giving me a reassuring smile as she did.

:Oh, so no fighting?:

~Not outside the battle field. You and Milly may end up having to battle each other in the rounds of a contest but after it all, you two will still be friends.~

:Right: I chirped, smiling up at my friend happily.

"Let's go see Jake, we have some time to prepare before the next round." Milly perked, gesturing me out of the lounge.

I beamed, happily complying since I would get to see the rest of my team. Though I had tried, I wasn't able to see their faces amount the crowds that came to witness the contest in action. I hope they'd all been well behaved for Jake since Miku could be a bit of a handful when she was excited and Champ still wouldn't listen to anyone other then Gardenia.

Jake was waiting for us in the Contest Hall lobby. My team was there to, patiently waiting by my friends side.... until their eyes found me amidst the crowd to which they all tackled me to the ground, hugging me tightly or licking my face in Angel's case. Champ was the only one who didn't, instead tapping his foot impatiently with a tight scowl. I should of named him Party Pooper.

~Guys, stop it. It's only been an hour.~

~Miku wiss mama. Miku no see Miku's mama in fowever.~ My little Manaphy squealed, clinging to my leg with her antenna wrapping around me knee.

"Milly!" Jake smiled, hugging his little sister. "You did awesome with Moon."

"Thanks Jake, that means a lot." Milly smiled back as her brother released her.

Jake turned to me, rested a hand upon my pink hair. "You and Gardenia did really well as well."

I gave him a closed eye smile, twirling around in a happy circle.... Until I crashing into Samurai and fell backwards. Huffing slightly, my playful glare met Samurai's amused smirk.

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