~4 Team Aqua

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The sun was setting by the time we reached Oldale town and I was snugly piggy backing on Samurai since I refused to stop bugging him until he did.

Oldale town look really old, like is its name states. The buildings were all wooden and seemed to be falling apart slightly but at the same time, still sturdy. I looked around in awe at the town. Everything in Unova was always new and shiny, so seeing a town all old and rural was awesome.

I jumped from Samurai's back and ran forward a little, spinning around in a quick circle I order to see everything I could.

~Don't go where I can't see you Paige.~ Samurai called after me.

:Okie~!: I giggled back, dashing forward again only to crash into someone.

I fell backward, still giggling to myself while looking up at who I'd crashed into. She wore a stripy blue and white tank top with torn purple mini shorts and tights that matched her shirt. Her short purple-greyish hair was topped with a black bandanna with a white symbol on the front.

"Watch it twerp." The person growled glaring at me.

I stood up and brushed myself off. I frowned at the rude person, it was just an accident.

Jake, Milly and my Pokémon finally caught up to me. "What happened?" Jake asked, looking between me and the girl.

The girl looked between the three of us before carefully examining my Pokémon. Samurai stepped protectively closer to me, Gardenia did so to. Angel was once more sitting on Gummie's head both looked weary as if sensing the unease in the air. Miku was to busy chasing a Beautifly to notice what was going on while attempting to pounce on the bug type Pokémon. Champ looked bored, watching Miku as if there wasn't anything wrong.

"Wait a minute! You're the pipsqueak the took down Ghetsis!" The girl burst out laughing. "Wow, what a laugh."

I flinched at Ghetsis's name. The incidents that happened in Unova still scared me, though the bruise that had previously been around my neck, from Ghetsis's attempt to kill me had faded away to nothing, I still had scares, inside and out. I didn't like remembering what happened, often preferring to discard the thoughts rather then ponder on the past.

Samurai's gaze hardened, stepping in front of me. ~How do you know about that?~

No one was meant to know about the incidents in Unova. Jake's uncle, and Champion of Unova, told us that it would be kept away from the media (which means TV and radio and stuff, Jake told me that) so not many people knew about Team Plasma in general, let alone that Jake, Milly and I had been involved.

"Are you kidding, everyone in Team Aqua is talking about it." She laughed some more like teenage girl at a gossip session. "The little pipsqueak that stopped Team Plasma, you've got quite a price on your head from Ghetsis, I will say that."

I practically dived behind Samurai, peeking out fearful. I didn't quite understand what having a price on my head meant but the first thing that came to mind was Ghetsis wanting my head.

This made the person laugh harder. "Wow, what a scaredy Skitty."

"What's Team Aqua?" Jake asked, his hand hovering over his Pokéballs glaring suspiciously at the girl who looked about N's age.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She snickered before turning on her heal and leaving. "I'd watch your back if I were you three."

I looked up at Samurai nervously before looking at Jake and Milly. :Samurai, Ghetsis won't come here. Right?:

Samurai didn't answer, looking unsure of what to say.

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