~19 Just be good

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I snapped back to reality as swiftly as if someone had snapped a twig, or more, driven over a speed bump causing me to hit my head. A squeak of fear burst from my throat as I struggled to move through the darkness that surrounded me despite my eyes being wide in fear, my dilemma came crashing down on me like a sack of bricks as I writhed around in the darkness until a sharp kick to my side stilled me with stifled cry of pain.

"Quiet girl." A voice hissed, kicking me again. The forced drove most the air from my lungs resulting in several minutes of wheezing through my nose as my mouth felt sealed shut.

"What do you think you're doing grunt." A feminine voice ordered, authority clear in her tone. I flinched, meekly pulling away from both but not getting far since it had become obvious I was trapped in a sack.

"It was moving madam and I was simply keeping it still." The one who had kicked me replied nervously.

"She is just a child grunt and may I remind you that we are to deliver her, and her Pokémon, unharmed so do not let me catch you damaging either again, or there will be much more then your job on the line." 

"Y-yes Admin ma'am."

I felt someone at my side resulting in me flinching away on instinct, whimpering in a helpless state of fear as the thoughts of what she had meant by my Pokémon... Oh please let it not be Miku.

"Shh, keep still okay." A hand gently rested on my shoulder, though from the feeling it was through some sort of rough fabric. "Not much longer and we can have you out of there for the night, just keep still and quiet and things will much easier for the both of us." Her tone still held authority but was much softer then it had been when speaking with the one who had kicked me. She said nothing more before she left.

A pained whimper made it's way to my taped lips as I shifted my position slightly. After a few moments to allow myself to breath, I started moving around slightly, trying to find the restrictions in my movement. So far I could tell my wrists were tied behind my back, though only tight enough to keep them there as I couldn't feel the ropes cutting my skin as it normally did when I'd had my hands tied behind my back though my shoulder did hurt quite a bit from being forced to lie on top of it. My ankles were also restricted in a similar manor to my arms and I could feel some sort of strong tape covering my mouth, despite my muteness and my snotty nose made it hard to breath as I struggled to keep myself from bursting into tears. From my restless movements I could also confirm I was in some sort of sack, it's rough fabric smelt heavily of spicy berries with the fresh sent of grass.


My eyes widened in shock as I looked down, making out the faint outline of my baby Manaphy curled up against me. She was looking up at me with owlish scared eyes, seemingly about to cry as her bottom lip trembled. Her arms were hand cuffed together with a short chain but at the front rather then the back like me.

~Mama, Miku scared. What happening, where Gummie and Angel and Samrai and Dina and Champ go to?~ She sniffled in my thoughts, clinging to my shirt. ~and what these?~ The little Water Type held her hands up to show the cuffs.

I shuffled my position slightly, using my knees to bring her closer to my chest. With my wrists tied behind my back, I couldn't hug her or pat her or snuggle her like I would like so I simply wriggled as close around the baby Pokémon as I could. Miku gripped my shirt tighter, whimpering into the fabric. :It's okay Miku. I'm here, I'll protect you.: I told her softly.

~Mama, Miku still scared. Can we go back now?~ She whimpered, blinking tears from her eyes

For a few moments, I squeezed my eyes closed. :I don't know Miku, we just... need to be good. Okay? Can you be good for me?:

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