~3 Lunch time

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It took longer then I thought it would for us to leave. Professor Birch spent at least an hour fiddling with Jake's Pokédex so it would collect the data he would need from my new Meditite. I spent that time thinking up a nickname for my new Pokémon since calling a Pokémon by it's species didn't appeal to me, I don't go around calling every person I see a human so why should Pokémon be any different? Figuring out a nickname for him proved to be a difficult task but with help from Jake and Milly, we settled on Champ. He seemed ecstatic to have his own nickname and agreed in the name without hesitation. Milly had also chosen her starter Pokémon, the water type starter of Hoenn, Mudkip who's been named Pie. I wasn't sure why she named him that but he seemed to like it so Pie it was.

I was now sitting outside with my Pokémon since being indoors was boring me. Angel was riding around on Gummie's head as she few her through the sky. Miku was watching Champ with interested, slowly advancing on him but retreating to my side whenever the Meditite looked at her. Gardenia was talking quietly with Champ under a nearby tree, teaching him about the members of my team and how each played their part. Champ looked slightly uneased by my other Pokémon which may be because they'd all been with me so much longer and I guess he didn't yet feel he fit in. Angel was the same when I first got her as the fluffy little Eevee months ago but now she understood that she would always be a valued member of my team, and I'd help make sure Champ knew that to. Samurai was watching everything from a nearby tree, his calm gaze darting between everyone slowly and carefully making sure everyone was alright, like he usually did.

Eventually, Jake and Milly exited the Pokémon Laboratory. Scout was yapping playfully at Milly's heals before catching sight of Miku and bounding over to her. Miku giggled as she climbed onto the Lilliepup's back. ~MIKU KAWAII!!!~ She squealed in joy and Scout ran playful circles around the front yard of the Lab.

I giggled at the kawaii behaviour of the little Manaphy.

Samurai jumped out of the tree he'd been sitting in, silently taking my side as my other Pokémon followed.

"Sorry that took to long Paige, are you ready to go?" Jake said with a smile.

I flashed him my blackboard which I long ago had written my answer to. Of course I'm ready! :)

Jake rolled his eyes, his smile grew.

"Then let's go!" Milly chirped.

~Mudkip!~ Pie chirped in reply.

~Lilliepup pup pup!~ Scout barked, charging forward with Miku in his back.

~Miku kawaii!~

~Reuneclus!~ Gummie followed doing a twirl with Angel atop her head.


Gardenia giggled but didn't say anything, nor did Samurai and Champ who simply walked quietly by my side, well, until I dashed forward and jumped happily in the air while following my Pokémon.

"Umm Paige, it's this way." Jake called from behind me, pointing the opposite direction I was heading with my Pokémon.

I pouted slightly, turning in my heel to follow my friends, my Pokémon at my side. It was the seemingly perfect day to travel, the sun shone brightly at noon point, showing that we'd stop for lunch soon after we started our way down the first route. The sounds off Tailow filled the air, Tailow was like the Pidove of Hoenn. You could find them almost everywhere but unlike Pidove, Tailow were a lot more territorial and aggressive when threatened but these ones sounded friendly, chirping happy songs and cheerful tunes to fill the air. The grass couldn't be greener among most of the town and occasionally a small brown Pokémon scurried past in a zig-zag fashion. Jake soon identified them as Zigzagoon which were fairly common in Hoenn.

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