~6 Rain rain go away

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A/N- Hey guys, since this is a Christmas update, I just thought I'd ask you to comment lots and lots cause I love reading comments! Thank you and read on!

When we set off from Oldale Town, the mood was light, upbeat and enjoyable but that was before the rain settled in, the mood quickly became drab and dreary as the small droplets of water socked everyone through. My jacket pulled up against my neck, my hood as far up as it would go and I was hugging myself tightly while shivering as the rain drenched through to my skin. Gummie, Angel, Gardenia and Champ were all safely hiding away in their Pokéballs while Samurai trudged by my side and Miku skipped merrily though the rain with Pie.

I let out a small sneeze as the cold tickled my nose. The route we were traveling along was completely barren of places to stop for camp leaving no choice but to travel through the rain. The icky mucky rain. Don't get me wrong, I like the rain but that was more while inside with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders and a mug of hot chocolate topped with wippy cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Jake looked up at me shivering away in the cold after I sneezed, rain trickling over his face in little streams as it dripped from his messy brown hair. He didn't say anything as he looked around our surroundings. He eventually pointed out a large oak tree. "I think we should just try and set camp up there, we can't keep going in the rain or we'll all get sick."

Milly shook her head. "Oak trees are struck by lightning more then any other type of tree, it wouldn't be safe." She said grimly as a crack of thunder rippled through the air. I squealed, jumping into Samurai's arms as the sound echoed through the route.

My shiny blue Pokémon gently pat my head, rain running over his smooth skin. ~It's okay Paige, thunder is just Arceus clapping for his subjects.~

:I don't like it, it's loud: I whispered.

"Look over there." Milly pointed, sighing with relief as she did so.

I squinted through the rain, making out the hazy blur of a rocky cave. The five of us broke into a run, eager to get under cover. Jake peered in cautiously, trying to judge the emptiness of the cave.

"Doesn't look like anyone's been home for a while." He said as he walked in, shaking water from his brown hair.

It took a lot longer then it should of to set up camp, no one was in the best mood and the damp atmosphere didn't particularly help either but regardless, we soon had a cheery warm fire drying out our clothes. Milly and I had taken turns in the tent to change into our pyjamas and Jake was currently doing the same while I sat on my neatly folded sleeping bag, watching the rain fall. Samurai was sitting at the cave entrance, watching for any uninvited guests who might find the cave a tempting place to hide from the rain. Miku had decided to keep him company, splashing around is stray puddles with Pie.

Gardenia was hanging out the wet clothing on a line we'd attached a near the fire, but not close enough so that if they fell, they'd fall into the fire. Gummie and Angel were setting out things for a dinner of dried out noodles with veggies while Champ sat on a rock, lazing about without any sort of interest in what we were doing.

Jake exited the tent, handing Gardenia his wet clothes before collapsing by the fire that Torch had made before joining Samurai at the entrance to the cave. The two fighting typed Pokémon had become close rivals over time, often competing in hand to hand combat to see who was stronger, if Torch ever won, Samurai would spend days training endlessly in effort to be stronger then Torch.

Samurai didn't like loosing, if he did, he'd train really really hard in effort to be stronger. He says he has to be to beat anything that can hurt me but I think he just doesn't like to loose a battle. I still wasn't the biggest fan of battles but I would never hold my Pokémon back from something they enjoyed doing. That would be mean and taking that away would be taking away part of their freedom, I could never do that to anyone, person or Pokémon.

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