~20 Separation

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~Samurai's pov~

A soft sigh passed my lips as I watched the sun rise. A slight drowsiness fogged my mind but I ignored it as I had throughout my sleepless night. How could I sleep? I hadn't even wanted to stop for the night but I'd eventually been out voted when the others all agreed that since we had no idea where Team Aqua might be with Paige and Miku, we should at least be well rested before we search for them.

In all honesty, I was to proud to admit I was afraid to sleep. I'd never done so without at the very least feeling Paige nearby but she was gone completely from my mind, an empty hole left behind and something I'd never felt before. Gardenia felt the same although she had managed to settle into a restless sleep hours ago, something I could not manage.

Sighing again, I sat down on the grass, not quite bothered by the moist coating of morning dew that cover the ground. It hadn't even been twenty four hours since Team Aqua's attack and I already missed Paige more then anything I could put into words. Who knows what she could be going through. For all I know, Team Aqua could have already handed her over to Ghetsis and it would all be my fault. If I hadn't gotten mad over such a juvenile thing, Paige would not have been at the back of the boat alone, I could have protected her, I could have at least tried. But after she'd been knocked in the water and the rest of her Pokémon Mean Locked into battle, Paige had been defenceless. Miku didn't stand a chance against those shark Pokémon — Sharpeedo as Jake had explained.

Rustling from behind caught my attention, snapping me from my self guilt trip. I turned to see Champ watching me with his arms crossed and an unamused scowl across his features. I said nothing, not in the mood for arguing with moody Fighting and Psychic Type Pokémon.

~Are you done feeling sorry for yourself yet? You've been doing it all night.~ He huffed, uncrossing his arms.

I shook my head with a harsh glare towards my teammate, to put it painfully simple — Champ was not my favourite Pokémon in the world. ~How I feel is none of your business.~ I snapped, irked by the feeling of Champ judging me on my mood.

He huffed again, sticking out his chest as if hoping to intimidate me, despite me being well over twice his size. ~Actually, it is if it is interfering with me getting my trainer and my teammate back. Paige and Miku were taken, yes we know, suck it up already. Moping about isn't helping anyone, especially not them. So do yourself, and them, a favour - build yourself a bridge and get over it already because so long as your feeling sorry for yourself, the rest of Paige's Pokémon will feel so to. You're their leader, so set them an example by putting a brave face on and find your Arceus damned trainer - no offence on Paige, she's a sweet girl but I needed the emphasis.~ Champ spoke firmly, though with a hit softness towards then end when referring to Paige, his tone for the most part one even I would argue with. His eyes filled with an odd sense of determination and anger. The little Meditite turned his back on me and wondered into the forest, not caring at all about how I'd respond to his lecture, proving he didn't care if I took it in or brush it off like I did with most of what he said and had no intention of proving he was right, which he was.

Champ, although somewhat of a grump with a rude and disrespectful attitude towards everyone, did care about Paige. He was learning slowly what it was like to be in a team. He'd grown close to Gardenia, adopting her as a mentor of sorts as she was much more patient with his tempter. He didn't seem to care much for Gummie or Angel, ignoring them or brushing off their attempts to include him regularly, which may have something to do with the fact that they both held Type advantages over him, which for wild Pokémon was something you'd avoid getting near and since Champ hadn't actually been forced to be around Pokémon with Type advantages over him regularly before, he would need to adjust to it. Champ was however beginning to get on with Miku, which made sense as he had told Gardenia he'd once had a little sister and Miku was the only member of Paige's team who was younger then him, further proving that this was as hard on him as everyone else. He'd only really just started opening up and despite that fact I'm not particularly fond of the Meditate Pokémon, I pitied him for having lost two of the only three beings he'd begun to open up too.

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