~26 Together again

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Running as fast as I could, I ran through the forest, clutching Miku tightly to my chest as I ran as fast as I could towards my Pokémon. Tears ran from my cheeks as the fear and pain from the past week burst out in relief. He drew closer and closer until I found Samurai.

Tackling my Gallade to the ground, I clung to him as if my life depended on it. :Please don't don't be mad at me anymore. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease--: I was unable to stop the loop in my mind as I begged for Samurai's forgiveness.

~Heyheyhey, calm down Paige.~ Samurai soothed, stroking my hair gently. ~You're safe now, you're safe.~

I just sobbed harder, clutching Miku with one hand while holding onto Samurai with the other. :Don't hate me anymore! I'm sorry, I'm sosososososososorry.:

Samurai pulled back slightly, cupping my face and meeting my eyes. ~What are you talking about? I don't hate you...~

:You said that-- that--: I couldn't form the words in my head as I sobbed pitifully in Samurai's arms. I opened my mind as I brought up the memory of the last thing Samurai said to me before he stopped talking to me. :Please be my family again.:

My shiny Gallade again hugged me tightly. ~Oh Paige... Did you seriously spend this entire time thinking I hated you?~

Sniffling slightly, I nodded, clinging to him as if when I'd let go, I'd never ever see him again. I was scared he'd reject me and he would hate me forever and ever, I don't think I could live like that.

~Paige, I could never hate you.~ Samurai soothed, holding me tighter. ~That was just a misunderstanding---~ He sighed slightly, shaking his head. ~Let's get you back to the others, we'll set up camp and get you nice and warm where it's safe. Hmm?~

I nodded against Samurai's chest, managing to calm myself a little.

The Kirlia whom helped me then walked into the clearing. Miku waved happily at the Kirlia before doing the I'm-watching-you jab, no doubt showing she was still cross about Kirlia attacking me earlier. Samurai held me closer in defence but I shrugged off the extra protection.

:She brought me here, she brought me back to you.: I explained, still holding Miku close to me. :I trust her.:

Samurai blinked in surprise before turning his attention to the Kirlia. ~I thank you for your service to me, I am in debt to you.~

Kirlia shook her head and bowed. ~No, the debt was mine to pay. My honour is sealed and debt cleared, it is my hope to meet you on another moon.~ Then she vanished, no doubt going home to her daughter.

~So that's what wild Kirlia are like.~ He stated, cocking his head aside. ~Certainly interesting, anyway, let's get you back to other.~ He smiled as Gardenia entered the clearing, Jake, Milly, Gummie, Angel and Champ not far behind.

Gardenia immediately rushed to my side, kneeling close to me. She took me from Samurai and hugged me tightly. ~Oh Paige, you're okay! You're okay, right?~ She quickly pulled me back, her pale red eyes searching me for injury. ~What happened to your head?~ My Gardevoir gently cupped my face as she examined the patch.

Miku, deciding she'd had enough of not being the centre of attention, spoke up. ~Miku here to you know!~ The baby Manaphy pouted.

~Yes you are.~ Gardenia smiled, patting her head softly. ~and I'm very glad you're safe too Miku.~

~Let's worry about it later, you're both safe and sound and that's what's important right now.~ Samurai replied, standing up straight. ~We will set up camp now, get a fire going and dinner cooking so Paige may eat then rest.~

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