~22 Archie, Shelly and Matt

455 44 18

Nothing happened for hours. Nothing at all. I'd climbed into bed with Miku, cuddling her close to me ages ago and now simply lay still with her in my arms. I'd watched the sky turn dark after being painted with a bright array of soft lavender and beautiful bluebells. The moon now hung in the sky, only low but still shining with silver light. My stomach grumbled angrily, having not been fed since breakfast but there was nothing I could do to calm it other than to sucking on a lollie from one of the pockets of my belt. I wanted to save most of them for Miku as they could be used to keep her calm and reward good behaviour.

I didn't want to fall asleep but eventually I gave up on anyone coming for me, my head still hurt and I was so tired. So, I let myself drift off, rolling over before I did so I had Miku safely positioned between myself and a wall. Samurai and Gardenia do the same thing when they sleep with me, so nothing could touch me without rousing them. I didn't want Miku to be taken away from me, she would be terrified and I would be worried sick until I knew she was safe.

A sharp bang on the bars startled me awake, they rung through my already sore head as I bolted up, eyes wide and afraid. Miku also startled, clinging to my arm with teary eyes.

~The monster is here!~ She squeaked, still somewhat asleep.

Gently patting her head I looked around the cell, finding only the woman from before and a female grunt standing outside my cell. One of them must have hit the bars. :What monster Miku?:

~The big scawy one from Miku dream... it want to eat me!~ Miku cried, climbing onto my lap. ~please no let scary monster eat Miku up like a gummy bear...~

The cell door was opened as I held Miku tightly to my chest, watching cautiously at every move they made. :It's okay Miku, there are no monsters here... at least I don't think so.:

"Come along kid." The woman ordered, holding the cell open. "Bring your Pokémon if you want."

Miku curled up in my arms as I pushed aside the blanket and stood up. Goosebumps rose on my skin in the cold of my stone prison, I shivered slightly as I rose and put my joggers back on. Clutching Miku close for both our warmth, I obediently left the cell and followed the person and her grunt down the hall. I kept my head down, staring at Miku as trembled in my arms, eyes squeezed shut as she clutched my shirt. She was obviously really frightened.

The room I was lead too was much like an office, heavy dark wood furniture filled the room, accented with blues and blacks. The walls were similar to my cell, seemingly made out of the same smooth black stone as my cell. Each step into the office caused me to shake more. I remembered the man sitting at the desk, he was the same person who stood at the front of everyone before, the one I assumed was in charge. By his side was the tall man who was also there. He still scared me.

The grunt sat me down in front of the desk while the lady took the unoccupied side of the desk, sitting on the corner which surprisingly didn't anger the man sitting down. He instead reached under his desk and pulled out a plate with a burger on it. This confused me as he pushed the plate across the desk.

"I do believe you haven't eaten since this morning." He stated, his tone unreadable. "So please, help yourself."

With trembling hands I picked up the burger, not wanting to make him angry by seeming ungrateful. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, tearing off a chunk of the burger and giving it to Miku to eat. This seemed to take her mind off the fear as she opened her mouth cartoonishly wide to bite into the meal.

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