~37 Team Plasma

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I watched as the crescent moon rose from the horizon, laying back of the grass with dinner sitting satisfyingly in my tummy. The Pokémon were doing the dishes in a nearby stream - as they usually did. Samurai observed from his tree, red eyes serveying the small clearing carefully.

The night was calm, Bug-Type Pokémon chirping in the clearing as day birds chirped goodnight to they're friend and nocturnal birds awoke. It was peacefully bliss until Samurai leapt from his perch, bounding close to me in three leaps. ~Something is off.~ He hissed.

My shiny Gallade examined the forests before leaping to the side, his blades growing long and sharp in time to deflect a Dark Pulse attack. I squealed, hugging Gardenia close as my Pokémon ditched the dishes and leapt forward protectively. Angel perched low to the ground, her ribbon flicking angrily. Gummie clutched her fists, her body expanding slightly in an intimidating manner as Champ too raised his first intimidatingly. Samurai stood, his blades sharpened and poised for battle while his sister held a Moonblast at the ready. Miku, as usual, had her magic chainsaw who's Nyan cat theme seemed to break the tension...

A howl rung through the air, returning all Pokémon the their Pokéball's in a bright flashes of light.

I yelped as I fiddled with my Pokéball's until a psychic energy surrounded me, Jake and Milly lifting us into the air and keeping our hands well away from our Pokéball's. I struggled against the energy, screaming out pitifully for help as a dozen grunts - Team Plasma by the emblem but the knight like uniform had been replaced with something more pirate like. Nichole came out too, her expression stern as she ordered her Gothetelle to hand us to grunts.

Nichole grabbed me by the arm, yanking me from the air and holding onto it tightly as she dragged my arms behind my back. She proceeded to use zip ties to hold them in place. I squealed, trying to twist and turn them enough to the ties loose.

She pushed me to the ground, digging her knee into my spine as she yanked the zip ties tight. "Keep still runt!" Nichole hissed as I cried out in pain. She stood up, keeping a foot on my back in order to keep me pinned to the ground. "I don't want to be here anymore then you do."

"The perimeter has been breached Ma'am." A grunt reported, holding up a tablet like device. "How shale we act?"

Digging her heel into my back and eliciting a cry of pain from me, Nichole turned to the grunt snapped. "By what?"

"Over there!" Three different grunts called as I glanced to the side in effort to see what they were pointing at. Nichole viewable paled as she saw her little sister staring wide eyed at the clearing.

"What's going on here Nichole!?" Jessica demanded, frantically switching her gaze from her sister to me to Jake and Milly. "What are you doing?"

"Jessica get out of here!" Nichole demanded, seeming nervous for the first time I've seen.

A grunt stepped forward, a small hand gun raised at Jessica. "Lord Ghetsis said no witnesses." Nichole slapped the gun from his hand, glaring firmly at the underling.

"You shoot her and I'll put a bullet in your skull myself." She snarled, looking between each grunt firmly.

"Megora, Solar Beam!"

A bright beam of energy was thrown through the air, several grunts dove for cover - including Nichole. I scrambled to my knees, flexing out my wrists as I slammed them against my back several times, each time hurt but I succeeded in breaking the ties. My wrists throbbed as adrenaline pumped through my body.

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