~11 Make new friends, meet old enemies

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Both Milly and I made it through to the next round and the rest of the rounds went all to quickly. Gardenia was sitting patiently on one of the lounges the waiting room held, carefully fixing up my hair according to Milly's specifications. She was humming a gentle song, the tune of a music box Jake had given me for my birthday back in Unova. Samurai stood by my side, his arms folded over his chest as the TV screen flickered to life.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen." The announcer cheered, filling the screen with her bright smile. "But the Second Round of the Battles are set to begin. The match ups will be randomly chosen through the shuffle on the screen now."

The TV changed from the announcer the 8 blank cards that soon flickered with the faces of the remaining contestants. I quickly found my face among the remaining trainers. I was facing a raven haired girl that I can easily recognised from both previous rounds. During the Performance Round she had used a Sandile, a Pokémon I recognised from Unova. They weren't native to Hoenn though as far as I knew. She had called the Pokémon Dilly during the first round and passed with flying colours. The Battle Rounds though seemed to be her element. She'd used a grass type Pokémon she called Megora but I was unfamiliar with it's species but the announcer had referred to it as a Maganium. It was a quadruped Pokémon with a thick long neck the base of which bloomed a magnificent pink flower. The two were in perfect sync the entire battle, leaving me nervous for the next round. Only eight trainers remained and once this round was over, there would only be four. The number seemed so small yet I was determined to be one of them.


:Samurai~!: I giggled, throwing his Pokéball into the air. A double spin of the spherical device let out a stream of black smoke that materialised into the Blade Pokémon. My Gallade stood calmly on his side of the field, smirking slightly in his usual fashion.

"Megora, steal the spotlight!" My opponent cheered, tossing her own Pokéball into the air.

A flurry of rose petals preluded her Pokemon's appearance. The form of the meadow green Pokémon took form with an elegant toss of her neck as the rounded head of the Pokémon rose up in an elegant superiority. Two yellow antenna like features flicked pollen from the top of its rounded face, browsing in the slight breeze the air conditioning gave. The pink petals that frayed it's neck shone with brilliance from beneath the spotlight and were a clear symbol of the amount of care its trainer gave it. ~Maganium.~ It cooed, looking at the audience with cheerfully amber eyes.

:Close Combat Samurai!: I ordered as soon as the starting bell chimed. Like a Rapidash in a race, fleeing it's stall for gold, Samurai charged. His bladed arms growing to double their regular length.

"Sunny Day Megora!" The ravenette ordered, a smile dancing on her pink painted lips. She wore a simple dress, seemingly made of flower petals giving her a matching appearance to the flower of her Pokémon.

Megora hummed softly, the petals around her neck glowing with a golden aura. She cooed as the light left her flower, filling the room with both light and warmth. A small portion of my points deducted while Samurai made contact with Magora. The grass type Pokémon cried out in pain, backing away from the shiny Pokémon in a failed attempt to dodge Samurai's fury of blows.

"Megora, use Sloar Beam!"

:Jump back Samurai:

He didn't have enough time move before the powerful grass type attack hit him hard in the chest. He was flung back through the air, crashing into the wall with a loud crash. He fell to his knees but got up, panting slightly from impact.

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