~21 Aqua HQ

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The van screeching to a halt jerked me awake. I muffled a cry with a small squeak a I was thrown against some hard object, most likely a wall. I looked down into my arms, where Miku was curled up, her eyes wide in flight as she clung onto my shirt but she seemed okay. To reassure my little Manaphy, I gently rubbed her head, leaning down to kiss her forehead. The sack I was in was lifted from both ends, causing me to again squeak as the instability caused me to shift positions.

I felt my body begin to tremble as I held on tightly to Miku who was whimpering slightly. ~Mama, what happening?~

:I don't know...: I replied honestly.

~Miku want to cry.~ Again the sack shifted, causing us both to squeak slightly and I held Miku closer. ~Can Miku cry mama, or is crying bad?~

With a soft sigh, I held Miku closer. :You can cry Miku, it's okay to cry when you're sad or scared, just try to keep quiet okay? I'm right here with you.: I watched as small tears filled the young Manaphy's eyes and gently rolled over her cheeks. She clung to my shirt like a lifeline but didn't make a sound.

~Miku still scared.~ She murmured after a moment, hickupping as she spoke.

:So am I Miku.: I admitted, gently rubbing the top of her head. :But if we're good then they won't hurt us.: Again I felt horrid making Miku a promise I couldn't keep and I'd have to do my best to keep my baby Pokémon safe, but how could I do that when I was hardly able to protect myself?

The sack we were in suddenly tipped violently, causing me to shriek as Miku and I were sent tumbling to the ground. I landed on my head, earning another pained cry as waves of agony rippled from my head and neck. Thankfully, the fall was only small and I don't think the impact was hard enough to cause anything more then a few hours of pain and a headache but nothing serious. Miku had managed to cling to my shirt and as I held onto her, she managed to avoid any harm.

Groaning in a state close to agony, I scrambled to my knees as I looked around my new environment with fearfully meek eyes — wincing at the throbbing pain in my head, clutching Miku close to my chest without intent of letting her go. The walls were seemingly cut from a large dark coloured stone with the exception of one which was instead steel bars, proving I was in a prison of sorts but much different from what I was used to in Team Plasma's hideout. Five other people were in the cell, towering over me in an easily intimidating fashion.

Two, standing at the back with seemingly little importance to the other in the cell, were Team Aqua grunts — one male and one female. They each stood on either side of what I'm assuming were higher members of Team Aqua, no doubt like the sages of Team Plasma, and stood on either side of a man I'm assuming was the highest ranking of them all.

The man on the right had a darker skin tone then most people I'd seen before and was easily the tallest of the trio as much as he was the most intimidating. He wore no shirt, although his outfit looked as if it had once been a full body suit as his pants and gloves both seemingly had been torn away from some other form of clothing and a ring of fabric around his neck have once been a collar to a shirt. The Team Aqua symbol was tattooed over his muscled abdomen, both prominent and proud. His expression was that which reminded me heavily of Nichole's Krookadile — as if at any moment he would rip me apart without hesitation.

On the left side of the second man was a woman, the smallest of the trio but also, the least frightening. Her dark hair had several blue stripes through it that seemed almost natural on the woman and her eyes held an element of softness lacked by the others in the room. Her arms lay crossed over her short top, fashioned after Team Aqua's logo. Though it was unclear in the top was a summer or winter themed top due to the sleeves reaching all the way to her hands and extended further as fingerless gloves. Her long pants left little show of whether her boots were attached but it only took me a moment to find they were indeed separate.

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