~44 Rest and Reconnect

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~N's pov~

After a full afternoon of hiking, it was more then a relief when Kay pulled back a curtain of ivy from a rock wall, gesturing us inside a small nook behind it. "I smuggled out your Pokémon and stuff already." She explained as we shuffled in the cave behind. "We should all be safe here for the night, you guys look pooped."

I gently shifted Paige in my arms, being a little too tall to stand upright in the confined walkway, I needed to crouch to fit. Paige whined softly, her eyes flickering but she didn't wake. She hadn't since we escaped but in all honestly, she needed the rest anyway.

Thankfully, the back of the cave was taller then the front and I could stand upright. A small campfire flickered with dulled embers and the small outcove had clearly been where Mikayla had spent the past few weeks.

My red head companion, knelt by the fire, tossing some dry leaves and sticks on top before poking the embers in effort to get a flame going. "Your packs are over there." Kay pointed to the corner of the cave. "Your Pokémon too, although I didn't find anything that could have belonged to you Jessica."

"My sister has them..." Jessica replied softly, hugging herself tightly. "I'll figure something out later but I know she won't let them get hurt."

Sitting myself by the fire, I nestled Paige comfortably in my lap. "Milly, can you get Paige's sleeping bag for me she needs to rest." The cave was too small to pitch a tent so I'd need to keep Paige by the fire so she'd stay warm.

"Okay... then I'll start getting dinner ready..." Milly volunteered, pulling out Paige's sleeping bag from her pack. "Should I let out Samurai and Gardenia out? I know Paige feels safest with them around."

After a moment, I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so..." I replied, gently brushing Paige's hair aside wincing at what was revealed. Her neck was badly bruised, even cut in some places where her collar had tightened smaller then her neck, to add insult to injury, the cuts were infected - not deeply thank goodness but it would have to hurt.

The mechanical beam brought my attention away from Paige's injury as her Pokémon were let out. The twin shiny Pokémon took a moment to observe the surroundings once Milly let them out - most likely making sure it was safe since they wouldn't have been put into their Pokéball's under the best of circumstances - before turning to Paige, taking my side with concerned looks over their expressions, nothing needed to be said, Samurai and Gardenia knew Paige better then anyone, they felt her pain and her fear. Gardenia knelt by me, tears in her eyes as she gently held out her arms. ~May I...?~ I could see her shaking, in a state I'd rarely seen the Gardevoir in. Normally she was much more composed.

I reluctantly handed my sister over the her Pokémon. Gardenia cradled her close, holding her hand above Paige's forehead, a slight glow emitting from her palm as she shut her eyes, taking in her trainers condition.

~She's very weak, her heart is having trouble beating.~ She murmured, her expression twisting slightly. ~There's a lot of pain, fatigue, thirst and hunger. She wouldn't have lasted more then three days like this.~ Gardenia explained, opening her eyes, small tears falling over her cheeks. ~My little one, so strong...~ She whispered before turning to me. ~She needs a hospital.~

"Well that's obvious." I retorted, Samurai glared at me but he didn't comment.

Samurai instead turned towards the exit of the cave. ~Keep her warm, I'm going to stand look out.~ He said bitterly before leaving.

"Come on guys, we're all tired and hungry." Milly stated. "Let's just try not to argue until we've eaten..."

~Milly, could you make something with a soup to it? Paige's throat is swollen and sore.~ Gardenia asked, lightly rocking Paige in effort to comfort her. ~I don't think she could manage anything thicker then that.~

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