~12 Is there a place for me?

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"Why do you think she's here?" Jake asked, pacing through the room. He ran his finger though his messy brown hair. I knew he was referring to Nichole after we'd told him about our encounter with the former Team Plasma Agent.

~Looking after her little sister by the looks of it.~ Gardenia sighed, looking down at me with a worried gaze that I pretended not to notice. ~She doesn't seem to care much about Paige anymore, she just seems to want her to stay out of her way.~

"And you agreed?" Jake frowned, also looking at me as I cuddled Miku close. The little Manaphy playfully batted at my pink locks as I hung my head to avoid looking at anyone.

~Yes.~ Samurai replied simply. ~As we've already told you Jake, we do not want trouble that can be avoided. Conflict with Nichole can be avoided so, we will not provoke her to bother us.~

"But you're stronger then her Pokémon." Jake argued.

~That may be, but Paige doesn't want the trouble and by the sounds of it, neither does Nichole.~ My Gallade replied. ~If she is willing to let Bagon's be Bagon's and drop whatever issue she had with Paige in Unova, why would we change anything to put Paige in danger? We want a nice, calm journey, without the issues we had in Unova, that's why we came to Hoenn in the first place. To get away from all that.~

Jake sighed deeply but nodded. "Okay, we won't confront Nichole unless she posses some sort of threat to us or Paige."

Samurai nodded in agreement, looking down at me with a loving smile, gently rubbing my head. ~Yes, we want a peaceful journey this time. Right Paige?~

I nodded surely, not meeting Jake's eyes as I sniffled slightly.

"I understand." Jake replied, holding a guilty look in his eyes as he no doubt remembered the events of Unova and how much pain I'd been through by the older trainer alone. "Now, since you girls got your contest battle, I'm going to the gym. Anyone coming?" He changed the subject swiftly yet effectively.

"Nah, I'm pooped." Milly replied from her bed, yawning slightly. "But enjoy yourself, I heard Norman is quite a strong leader."

"Torch can handle it, are you coming Paige?" Jake looked down at me with a new, excited expression.

:What do you guys think?: I questioned my Pokémon, looking around at my team.

~I think it will be good a experience.~ Samurai answered. ~From what I heard, most of Norman's team uses Physical attacks so watching the battle is something I could benefit from.~

~I'm not to fussed.~ Gardenia followed, standing aside her brother. :I will come if that's what the rest of the team wants:

"Miku kawaii." Miku raised her hand.

Gummie looked at Angel and the two nodded. ~We both would like to go.~ The Multiplying Pokémon answered, twirling through the air with eased grace.

~Whatever.~ Champ snorted. ~I'll come.~

:Tell Jake we'll come: I told Samurai with a smile.

Samurai nodded, relaying my message to Jake who was clipping his team to his belt. It could get annoying sometimes, having to get things I wanted to say translated, especially when Samurai simplified all the fun out of my words but I made the best of it cause what else was their to do? After saying goodbye to Milly, we left the Pokémon Centre.

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