~23 Miku's song

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Thousands of screams of agony filled my head, beating against my brain with red hot pokers cause white hot pain to bubble from my head. I groaned, my throat felt dry, raw and I felt a deep craving for water. For a mew moments, I wasn't sure where my body was, it felt numb, paralysed. A feeling all to familiar from times N had been away and Ghetsis had been free to have his way with me. However this numbness was different to that caused by that of his Eelektross, that one hurt but this felt more like the rest of my body wasn't even there.

I tried to open my eyes, see what was going on. One eye didn't open at all, the other only a crack in which I saw only darkness before it slipped shut again. Tears burned my eyes, unable to escape my tightly shut lids. I tried to find the rest of my body, trying to twitch my fingers or curl my toes. I felt relief when I managed to curl my hand into a fist, it still felt oddly numb but at least I knew it was there. The squeaking of a gate opening caused me to groan in pain as drumbeats of pain rippled through my head.

"Easy now kid." A familiar voice soothed. I tensed and flinched away, at least I think I did but Shelly just repeated herself. "Easy now kid, I'm just trying to help you okay?"

~Mama, nice lady here now, it okay.~ Miku told me as I felt her familiar touch on my arm. ~It going to be okie dokie, okie dokie?~

:M-miku?: I whimpered in my head as I again struggled to open my eyes. Relief filled me with the hope the my baby Manaphy was safe but my aching head quickly overcame the brief sensation of happiness.

~It Miku, Miku okie dokie-!~ The little Manaphy cheered causing my head to ache. ~Scawy mean person who tooked Miku from mama hurt mama's head but nice lady who bring Miku back to mama going to make it better.~

"I'm going to help you sit up okay?" Shelly advised. She took my from under my arm and lifted me into a kneeling position, allowing me to lean against her for support. "I need to clean your wound."

I opened my eyes again, my right eyes was still stuck but this time my left was met with Miku bright blue eyes, filled with concern. Sniffling slightly, I reached up and felt my other eye, feeling a mass of dried blood when I did. Panic stirred within me from the thought of having such a serious head wound.

Shelly began wiping my face with a damp, warm cloth, a mixture of concern and pity in her eyes. "Sorry about this kid, Archie is furious with Matt for harming you, you weren't supposed to get hurt at all." She began wiping my eye, her tender touch removing the dried blood and allowing me to open both eyes properly again after a few blinks to clear the foggyness.

Miku crawled up on my lap, a cloth in her own hands as she began wiping my arm with it. I looked down, taking notice of the large puddle of crusty brown where I was previously laying. The places where my head lay and where my arm was next to it were clearly defined. I shut my eyes again, simply allowing Shelly and Miku to clean me up. After my face had been cleaned, Shelly began her work in patching up the wound on my forehead, explain lightly that the impact from when I had tripped had caused my head to bleed. She explained that it only seemed to be a surface wound and hadn't affected my skull or brain which was extremely lucky for me but I should still take it easy for the next few days.

Once Miku finished cleaning my arm, she curled up on my lap, gently rubbing my stomach. Like me, her hands were still cuffed together so her movement of them was restricted but she didn't seem to mind as much. What did bother me with the bruising around the base of Miku's antennae, the normal deep sea foam blue cloud replaced with an angry purple and darkened blue. I glanced up at Shelly who was adding an ointment to my forehead before using medical tape to stick a gauze over it.

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