~34 Fortree City

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Entering Fortee City was like walking into a dream... not one I'd ever had as I'd never even had the idea of having a tree house but half the city seemed to be built in the trees. I grabbed onto Samurai's arm, eagerly pointing out the foundations he could very easily see. He mused at my excitement but seemed quite interested in the structures built far above our head.

The past three weeks consisted of a lot of back tracking, catching up on the contests Milly and I had missed. Frankly it was overwhelmingly boring! Well exempt from the ribbons that Milly and I had won along the way... oh and Jake's badges too! I'd won another ribbon since but Milly over took me in Slateport City when she'd won her third. We didn't even see Team Aqua once which was very much a relief as I was able to recover and return to my normal, chipper self without having that to worry about. Jake had said that we'd explored approximately one third of Hoenn now. Not much had happened with our team, Scout the Herdeir now had his job back as Miku's noble steed as Pie had evolved into a Marshtomp and apparently it was only fun if her steed had more then two legs.

Too my jealousy, Jessica now had four ribbons ribbons and two more Pokémon to her team as she went ahead of us with Nichole. I'm still not sure what's going on between the two sisters, I never see much of Nichole anymore but Jessica had said they were still traveling together and fights like that were somewhat common between the two and that it had been her idea to differ the path she'd intended on to help Jessica get stronger although, from what we've heard, Jessica wasn't dealing with the stress her sister was putting on her well. She called Jake or Milly every other day, simply to talk and vent about her issues which she said had helped a great deal. Nichole was trying to influence her team which didn't sit well with Jessica - her new Pokémon consisted of an Aron and a Kirlia. It excited me that she's taken an interest in Psychic-Type Pokémon and Gardenia and Samurai had agreed to tutor the young Psychic-Type in the ways of telepathy when our paths crossed. However, Nichole wasn't a fan of the Psychic/Fairy-Type and wanted her to get a different Pokémon as well as replace her Gabite with a 'better trainer' one. Jessica refused to release both members and did not budge with such things. 

Tugging eagerly on Samurai's arm, I pointed up the tall tree eagerly at the large structure built against the upper branches on tree. :Lookie lookie, the house is in the tree Samurai! How cool is that? I thought Jake's home being on the water was amazing, these people live in the sky!:

~Yes Paige.~ Samurai smiled. ~Too my knowledge, the people of Fortree City have very high regards towards Flying-Type Pokémon. The Gym Battles and Contests held here are meant to be most unique.~ He explained.

"Yeah, I might need to pull out Reshiram for this battle." Jake said, somewhat unsettled by the fact. He didn't use Reshiram in battle often, he said he felt unsettle by using the Legend in battles a Pokémon of her status could win with ease. "Although... I'd have to further look into the battle style of Winona first."

Not really paying attention to what Jake had said, I raced into the Pokémon Centre, observing the many paintings of Flying-Type Pokémon that decorated the walls with star struck amazement.

"Oooo." I wondered aloud, using pretty much the limitations to my speech ability. The painting was obviously done by skilled hand, depicting a what seemed to be a proud green man, purple markings covering his arms and back. His bottom half was replaced by a cloud with a long purple tail. I knew this one, it was Tornadus. He was an especially tricky Legendary rooted deeply in Unovan folklore and stories of the trio of pranksters were often passed on through both nursery rhymes and campfire tales. :Hey Samurai, lookie at this!: I called as my team entered the Pokémon Centre.

~Paige, I know you're excited, but please stay a bit closer to me.~ Samurai sighed softly, he'd become very much protective over me since the whole Team Aqua turbocle and Nichole's threat, obviously I didn't blame him because of what had happened had been scary for us both. Samurai cared very deeply for me and my safety and that of my team was always his top priority and he made it very much obvious. ~Yes it is a very lovely portrait of Tornadus.~ He commented.

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