~25 Take me home

427 40 21

With a sigh of deep exhaustion, I collapsed against a cave walls, my eyelids heavy. I'd been walking all day and inevitably gotten myself lost, walking until the early reaches of the morning. It had gotten to the point where if I didn't stop to rest, I'd collapse out in the cold. So I found a cave to spend the rest of the morning in, allowing Miku and I too rest.

I gently stroked Miku's head as she slept soundly in my arms. Such a brave little Pokémon, I thought proudly, smiling softly as tears gathered in my eyes. Scared tears, tears filled with fear. I didn't even know where I was, am I even in Hoenn anymore? Tearing my eyes away from Miku, I stared out as the setting moon. What was going to happen?


Jumping slightly, I looked down at Miku, her soft blue eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

With a small smile, I shifted her in my arms. :Yes Miku?:

~You okie dokie?~ She questioned, cocking her head to the side. ~You crying.~

:I'm fine Miku, just a little frightened.: I replied, hugging her close. :But things will be okay, we just need to stay positive.:

~Miku can do that! Miku can do that for mama!~ She smiled, hugging me tightly, her chains jangling slightly with her movement.

Frowning slightly, I stared at the chains with disdain. :How about we get those chains off?: I offered, watching Miku nod eagerly. :Can you get Vroom-vroom for me?:

Miku yawned slightly, peering up at me with sluggish blue eyes before pulling out her magic chainsaw. ~Vroom-vroom.~ She cheered despite how obviously tired she was.

Rather then being dreadfully loud and rowdy like most chainsaws, Vroom-vroom rung out with the Nyan-cat theme song while sparks of glitter proofed through the air. The chainsaw's origins and where my tiny Manaphy kept it were still a mystery but it was a helpful little do-dad when Miku wasn't terrorising wild Pokémon with it.

I held my wrists as far apart as the would go while connected by the chain. :Okay Miku, cut just the chain, okay?:

The little Manaphy nodded her head, carefully lining up her weapon before slicing through the chain like a Scizzor through paper. With a sigh of relief, I stretched my arms about, relieved to have free movement of my arms again.

:Okay Miku, I'll help you now.: I offered, taking Vroom-vroom from her only for the machine to poof into a flurry of glitter. :Or maybe only you can hold Vroom-vroom.:

~But Miku want Miku's hands back too!~ The youngling pouted while making grabby hands. ~No fair.~

:I have an idea.: I offered, picking up my little Manaphy and setting her down near a large rock. Taking her arms, I pulled them as far apart as the chain would allow before taking a large rock and dropping it onto the chain. It rung out with a loud noise but didn't break.

This continued for a while, I hit the chain and dropped the rock on it, each time being careful to to hurt my baby Pokémon. Finally, after a tiring ten minutes, one of the links finally snapped and Miku was free to move about without such restrictions again.

~Yay, Miku have Miku arms back, well almost.~ She frowned at the cuffs still digging into her arms. ~This is good, thank you mama!~

With a small breath of exhaustion, I picked Miku up and cuddled her close as I sat down against just the wall of the cave. :You're welcome Miku, now, go to sleep. We need to travel more tomorrow.:

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