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I watched in amusement as Samurai threw one of the Team Aqua's grunts against the wall, his eyes showing emotions so harsh, they were ready to kill. ~Where is she!?~ He snarled.

Gardenia was dealing with the red clad men, her expression much calmer then that of her brother but it was obvious she wasn't about the let those with knowledge of Paige go. ~I would leave if I were you.~ She snapped at those who weren't of Team Aqua while Gummie used Psychic to hold a blue grunt in place, Angel using her ribbon to hold another against a wall. The red clad men left while our attention was instead directed to Team Aqua and possible information on our trainer.

~I won't ask politely again!~ Samurai hissed. ~Where is she!?~

"W-who?" The grunt stammered. "What she are you talking about?"

Again Samurai snarled, raising the sheathed blade of his arm against the grunts throat. ~Paige! My trainer, she's a little girl with pink hair and bright blue eyes! Your organisation took her two days ago and we want her back now!~

"The-- the girl would have been taken to the base by now--" The grunt stammered in replied. Don't blame the poor grunt, I doubt it was his fault Paige was missing, he was just dealing with the backlash of one very protective Gallade & co.

Samurai removed his arm, drawing it out behind him. The blade grew long, sharp and deadly as Samurai replaced it, his eyes hard and narrow. Gummie and Angel exchanged unsure eyes and for a moment, I wasn't sure if Samurai was actually bluffing like I'd originally presumed, he looked ready to kill the grunt without a thought. Gardenia however, looked calm enough so either she didn't care if Samurai killed the grunt or not or she was positive he wouldn't.

~Where!?~ Samurai demanded. ~Where is she!?~

"My boss would kill me..."

~If he doesn't, then I will.~ The shiny Gallade replied, his tone sharp and not to be messed with. ~Now where is the base where I can find my trainer?~

"Lillycove City, the base is in Lillycove City, just off the shore in a cave, most of it is underground but if Team Aqua took your trainer then that's where you'll find her."

~Thank you for you cooperation.~ Samurai sighed, dropping the grunt. ~Now get out of here!~ He snapped.

Angel and Gummie followed Samurai's lead and released the grunts they were both holding. The three didn't waste a moment, scrambling away and disappearing down the ally and out of sight.

After a minute passed, Samurai straightened with a smirk. ~Well, that's one way of getting things done.~

He followed the grunts direction from the ally as calm as I'd ever seen the Gallade. Angel jumped on Gummies head as they went after him, Gardenia waited for me before she to, followed her brother. I sped a head, taking the Gallade's side. ~You weren't actually going to kill that guy were you?~ I inquired letting my curiosity get the better of me.

Samurai chuckled. ~No, of course not. I'm not a feral Pokémon. Maybe seriously maim if he refused to tell me where they were keeping Paige to scare his teammates into doing so, but not kill.~

~Riiiiight, I'd guess he would deserve it then.~ I replied with a frown

~I am not sure if Team Aqua works in the same way as Team Plasma, but many of the previous grunts we have delt with in Unova were teenagers who simply didn't know what they were getting themselves into when joining Team Plasma.~ Samurai explained. ~Once they joined, thinking they could just mess around with the law a bit to satisfy their rebellious nature and whatnot, they soon they realise however, that cannot leave so easy. Ghetsis was always paranoid about his plans of word domination would getting out to the public, ruin the goody-goody act he had established with the concept of Pokémon liberation. If he even suspected that a grunts loyalty to him faltered in the slightest, he'd either wipe their mind clean or torture then kill them. If the latter happened, then some horribly things could be in store to satisfy his own, quite often perverted, fantasies.~ Samurai's voice held an edge of pity to it as he sighed. ~And if the individual is important or has somehow earn't Ghetsis's favour, close friends and family are threaten with the same kind of torture.~

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