~29 Back to the journey

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:Okay Angel, use Swift into the Moonblast.: I ordered gently, watching carefully as each golden star danced around the strategically placed glowing pink moon floating through the sky. Angel danced around the field, practicing for our next contest however a missed shot star crashed into the Moonblast once again which although it created a marvellous display of sparkles, wasn't what we were aiming for.

My Sylveon came to a holt, grumbling in annoyance as she shook he sparkles from her fur. ~Eon, Sylveon!~

Huffing to myself, I reached down to pat Angel. :We'll get there.:

We'd been staying in Rustboro City for the past three days and I was feeling much better compared to when we first arrived back. I slept through the first day, only getting up for for meals and to use the toilet, on the second day although I spent much of the day in bed, I was able to move around much easier and today, the third, I was able to get out of bed and practice for the next contest. I was thankful to my friends for being supportive over the past few days, it had given me plenty of time to get over what had happened and move on from it. I'd decided for this contest to use Angel and Gummie since Champ was still quite disobedient and I wanted Miku to rest some more before doing anything too exciting.

"You know, if you practice the same routine but slow it down, it can be easier."

I turned around to see Jessica standing a few feet behind me. I blinked in surprise as Gardenia teleported behind me, no doubt sensing the potential danger.

~Hello there Jessica, here for the contest?~ Gardenia greeted in a friendly manor.

The raven haired trainer nodded eagerly. "That and a gym battle but Roxan is harder then she seems... Especially since Nichole said I couldn't use Megora and I have to focus on training my other Pokémon. I lost the first time but I'm going to try again after the contest tomorrow."

Gardenia nodded. ~Speaking of which, is she around?~ My shiny Gardevoir looked around cautiously.

"Nah, she went off to do her own thing." Jessica shrugged. "She's not around often, just tells me to train and then goes off on her own."

Gardenia nodded softly, turning to me. ~Do you want me to get rid of her or do you not mind?~ She asked me privately as not to offend Jessica.

:I'm fine as long at Nichole isn't around.: I replied with a smile.

Angel leapt up on my shoulder, letting out an irritated huff, lightly yanking on my hair in effort to pull me back to training. I chuckled as I stroked her fluffy white fur. :Just give me one moment.:

My Sylveon huffed but leapt off my shoulder, practicing on her own while using Jessica's tip of slowing down.

"Are you using your Gallade an Gardevoir again?" Jessica inquired, looking around for Samurai.

I shook my head and pointed over to Angel as Gardenia translated for me. ~No, Paige will be using Angel and Gummie this time.~

Jessica nodded. "I'm using my Sandile and Gible, since Nichole said I'm not allowed to battle with Megora until Sandy and Gabby are stronger."

~Well, we should get back to training, we have a lot to catch up on.~ Gardenia smiled politely. ~And it's bad practice to show off one's strategy before the actual contest.~

"Oh, right." Jessica nodded. "I should practice myself, Gabby can be a little distracted when excited..."

I nodded, turning back to Angel as she again failed to complete the sequence. Jessica said her fairwells before wandering off to train alone. :Let's try something else Angel, the constest is tomorrow and we can always use this sequence another time. Okay?:

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