~16 Family ties

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The photograph in my hand caught the glare of the sun but I'd spent so long staring at it, I knew every detail by heart. The picture of two smiling woman and single newborn baby in their arms was the only thing I'd ever been able to hold onto my whole life. The baby was me, just over fifteen years ago by the faded date in the corner, my birth date. The silver haired woman holding me I knew was my mother, mere days before she'd died. However, her pink haired sister in law, my aunt- was still alive. Zyra. I knew this because both the name of my mother and Zyra's name were neatly printed on the back. N had told me years ago that my birth certificate said my mother's name was Felicity so that of course meant Zyra was my aunt.

I was less then a week old when I was orphaned. My father had died before I was born, a car crash as I'd been told by N and my mother had lost a battle with a terminal illness just four days after I was born. The illness had apparently been what caused the screw up in my DNA or genes or whatever it is that ended up making me be born mute, though it wasn't something I was mad at her about- it certainly wasn't her fault. For me, the faces were alien, I didn't know either of the people the frayed photo held. I'd never met any of them and as far as I ever cared, I never would. Zyra had given me up for adoption, rejected me. Abandoned me. I'd never known why, I'd never cared enough to find out but now I might have a chance, I was scared.

A soft flash of light spooked me slightly but I eased quickly as the glow faded only to reveal Samurai as he knelt before me with a concerned gaze, not at all angry like I'd expected. ~What ever is the matter Paige? You just ran off, it's not like you... Or at least, without the interference of sugar.~

Unable to hold back any longer, I burst into tears, hugging Samurai tightly. :She abandoned me Samurai, she put me up for adoption. Zyra didn't want me-- She--- she!: I couldn't even form the words in my own mind as I hiccuped into the Blade Pokémon's chest.

Samurai nodded in realisation, returning my hug. Of course he knew I'd had an aunt who'd rejected me after my mothers death but he'd seemed to only just drawn that connection. He gently ran his fingers through my hair, shushing me gently, his crimson eyes filled with pity. I pulled away after a moment, meeting his eyes with my own. :I don't want to face her, she didn't want me then, why would she want me now?:

~It'll be okay Paige.~ Samurai told me softly, picking me up to my feet. ~Come back to the Pokémon Centre, everyone's worried about you. Miku nearly tore down the entire Pokémon Centre she was so upset... Let's hope Gardenia was able to calm her down by the time we get back.~

I couldn't help but giggle as I hugged Samurai close, wiping way my tears and running snot on the corner of my sleeve as I did- going to need to wash my clothes tonight- what's with me an irrelevant thoughts... :You always know what to say.: I brought myself back to the situation at hand as I smiled into his chest.

~That's my job- but seriously we should get back, before Miku throws another one of her temper tantrums.~ He smiled his smirky smile.

:That would not be good.:I agreed, letting Samurai take my hand and lead me back towards the town.

I preyed that by the time we got back, Zyra would be gone and I wouldn't have to face her never ever again. Being an orphan forever was something I'd come to terms with a long time ago, it was a part of me that I'd accepted simply because I felt like it would be this way forever. I've never had family by blood before and I didn't particularly want it. N, Samurai, Gardenia and the rest of my Pokémon are my family, it's been that way for years and I didn't want anything to change that.

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