FOB - Pete Wentz

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Finding Out Your Best Friend Pete Has A Crush On You...


You and Pete had been best friends ever since your elementary school teacher made you share the bucket in the sand pit, the two of you hit it off and kept every other kid away from the pit because it was your special place.

You'd dated a few guys through high school but each one had broken your heart and Pete was always there with a tub of ice cream to cheer you up. He liked to tell you that one day the right guy will come along and sweep you off your feet and you'd get the happily ever after you dreamed of.

Whenever Pete passed through town with his band Fall Out Boy he made sure to spend some quality alone time with you away from the other guys. You got on well with Patrick, Andy and Joe because they were like your only friends in high school other than Pete.

You sometimes swore that you saw something flash behind Pete's eyes when you'd playfully flirt or one of the other guys would compliment you. This is what you got for being the only girl in a group of four guys, but you didn't mind because they were all stupid just like you.

When Fall Out Boy got big you and Pete slowly drifted apart, always having an excuse not to meet up. You went off to college to study Criminology because of your obsession with the TV show CSI while he toured around the world for adoring fans.


You graduate with one of the highest grades in your class and you couldn't be happier, however when you sweep over the sea of faces you sigh because the one face you wanted to be there wasn't. Pete was somewhere off in Europe, but he'd texted you congratulations.

During your time at college, you'd found yourself the sweetest guy and had been dating for the last two years. He was studying to be a lawyer and the two of you got on like a house on fire. After College you expected him to propose and move in together, but after a long day at work, you decided to surprise him at his flat with a home cooked meal however something was wrong.

You open his door and can hear voices coming from the bedroom; you assume he's watching TV because he liked it quite loud. You drop the groceries on the counter and walk towards the bedroom, however, you stop and frown when you hear a girl scream your boyfriend's name.

Slamming the bedroom door open you're confronted with your long-term boyfriend screwing your ex-roommate. Too in shock you turn on your heels and run out of the apartment, how could you have been so blind as to the fact he was cheating on you? You assumed you'd found your prince charming but he did take a lot of work trips which he never fully explained.

Before you reach the front door an arm clamps down on your wrist stopping you dead in your tracks, you come face to face with your cheating boyfriend, actually screw that ex-boyfriend.

"I can explain Y/N."

"How do you explain screwing one of my best friends? How long has this been going on? All those unexplained businesses trips, god I was blind."

You run your hands through your hair while he sighs and scratches his head.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I needed my needs met and you were great and everything but you're too vanilla."

You gasp and pull your hand back before slapping him across the cheek with all your strength.

"Were done you asshole."

You run out of the apartment with tears streaming down your face, to passersby you must look crazy with your mascara running and hair out of place but you didn't care anymore. You gave that asshole the last two years of your life and he'd been screwing other girls behind your back.

You knew the one place you needed to escape to, so you got in your car and drove back home most likely breaking a few speed limits along the way. This is when you needed your best friend Pete to tell you that the next guy that comes along will be the one who makes you happy for the rest of your life.

You message your mum and explain everything and tell her you need to escape so you won't be coming home for a couple of days. When in actual fact you were going to yours and Pete's hidden little alcove on the beach out of sight of the tourists.

The two of you had discovered it one summer when you were younger and hadn't told a living soul because it was your special hiding place from the world and all its troubles.

You sit on a rock inside the alcove and dip your toes into the cool water of a rock pool, everything in your life was perfect; you'd graduate from college with a good degree, you had a successful boyfriend who could provide for you and lastly you were about to walk into your dream job of a forensic investigator. But why then weren't you happy?

Sitting in the alcove stirred memories of carefree days where Pete would joke about Fall Out Boy becoming famous and I'd follow them around the world and live like every day was our last. No proper job or place to live, as long as Pete and I were together nothing could bring us down.

"Y/N? Are you in here Y/N?"

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, you wipe your eyes and glance up at the entrance of the alcove where you hear the voice of your once best friend Pete. He sounds frantic which is unlike him.

"Y/N I know you're in here, you told your mum you needed to escape and I remembered that was our code phrase for this place."

You can't help but smile, he remembered that little detail you'd come up with one night after your second boyfriend had broken your heart.

"Pete I'm back here by the rock pools."

You turn your attention back to your feet and the little fish nibbling at the soles of your feet. You don't need to turn back to know that Pete is making his way towards you, the alcove echoes his every move.

He sits down next to you and pulls you into a hug; you rest your head on his shoulder and sigh. This is the Pete you missed, the kind boy who always knew how to cheer you up.

"Four years and we still know the old cycle. I get my heart broken and you comfort me. Four years is a long time Pete, we've both changed yet at the same time we're still the same."

Pete shuffles slightly.

"Remember what I use to tell you?"

You turn your head and glance up at your best friend, he smiles down at you and squeezes your shoulder.

"I do remember. You said the next guy who came along would make me happy for the rest of my life. Why?"

Pete starts playing with your hair, a gesture that always seemed to calm you as well as him apparently.

"I have to tell you something Y/N. I've been keeping it secret for all these years. I wanted to be the guy who made you happy for the rest of your life but I was scared you didn't feel the same."

You blink a few times as you register his words; Pete wanted to be the guy who made you happy. You'd known each other for years, you told each other all your secrets, fears and even dreams. He knew you better than anyone in the whole world and vice versa and here he was confessing his love for you in the little alcove.

"Please say something Y/N. I understand you've just broken up with a douchebag and you might not even be ready for another relationship...but I..."

You place a finger over his lips to silence him before he can rabble any further, he quirks an eyebrow obviously confused by your action. Realisation dawns on you that you are in love with your best friend and vice versa. You needed to take a leap of faith before you lost him again.

"Pete you silly idiot who refused to share the sandpit with me when we were like four years old, the kind boy who always bought me a tub of my favourite ice cream after another failed relationship. I think I love you too."

Before you know what's taken over you, you lean over and cup Pete's face before kissing him softly on the lips. Pete jerks slightly before wrapping his arms around your shoulder and deepening the kiss.

You both pull away.

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Pete."

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