MIW - Josh Balz

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Why Are You Staring At Me?


Tattoos were your life, you lived to either get inked or ink someone. You practised over and over again until you were good enough to apprentice at a tattoo shop before building your own reputation so you could open your own successful shop. No one had a bad word to say about you or your work, and that made you feel like you'd chosen the right career path.

You usually avoided the convention circuit; you went to the smaller ones because you hated the crowds at the bigger ones. But this one you couldn't get out of this one in Scranton because you were a guest speaker on a panel.

You were given the nicest booth in the hall and set about greeting fans who wanted a picture and something signed. At lunch, the hall cleared out giving you some off time to relax and stretch your legs. However, you noticed one person had been watching you for a while from across the hall wearing a hood.

Outside the convention hall, you light up and sit down on a bench. Someone sits down next to you and when you look over you see it's the same guy wearing the hood who'd been watching you.

"Why were you staring at me in the hall?"

The guy chuckles and pulls down his hood and your breath catches in your throat as you recognise the guy from one of your all-time favourite bands Motionless In White. Josh Balz was sat down next to you smiling.

"Sorry if I came across as creepy y/n but I couldn't help but admire your work. And I didn't quite know how to come over with all the fans."

You nod and stub out your cigarette.

"Understood Josh, I love your band. Are you here to get inked or just to look?"

"When I'm home I like to check out the conventions. I think I have enough ink, for now, y/n. Do you have any embarrassing tattoos?"

It was an odd question but you liked odd. Rolling up your sleeve you show Josh a cartoon fruit bowl you got on holiday where each fruit was wearing a different emotion.

"My favourite is the winking watermelon. But the cherries that look like breasts always get a laugh."

Josh laughs, "classy y/n. Mines probably my metal tattoo, but I have too many to pick out just one."

You roll your sleeve back down and check your phone, you had to get back inside for your next meet and greet. You didn't want to leave Josh, you had so many questions for him like a typical fangirl but you had to work to pay the bills.

"I need to get back inside Josh."

"Can I maybe get your number y/n and we can meet for coffee later?"

You hand your phone to Josh and he puts his number in. You couldn't believe you had Josh's number, now you were glad you came to this convention instead of blowing it off.

"I'll message you once I get off Josh."

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