AA - Denis Stoff Pt.2

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Camera Crush Pt.2 (Read Pt.1 first)


Warped Tour, you'd been dragged along for the whole summer by Asking Alexandria as their band photographer. You didn't question your friends until Ben, Sam, James and Cameron started to tease you and Denis about how cute you two were around each other. Yes you and Denis had gotten closer since that photoshoot but he didn't like you as more than a friend, he was a bloody rock star while you were some band photographer with nothing going for you.

It was another day on Warped and you were relaxing outside the bus with Ben having a smoke. He starts to poke you until you look at him.

"So you and Denis y/n, are you like a thing? I mean I ship you."

"We're not a thing Ben; he doesn't like me that way. Is that why you guys invited me along? So you could have fun at mine and Denis's expense?"

Ben looks taken back by your outburst, normally you took the jokes on your shoulder but after a month it was getting old. You stub your cigarette and get up off the chair.

"Denis is crazy for you and I know you like him back. The guys and I can read you like an open book; you're just sometimes slow to catch onto things."

You scoff Ben and head back into the bus where Denis and the guys were sat watching TV. You avoid their eyes as you make your way to the bunk area. As you close the door you can hear Ben talking to them, he was wrong about Denis liking you.

A couple of hours pass before you enter the front lounge again only to notice Denis sitting on his own scanning through the TV channels.

"Err Denis where are the rest of the guys?"

Denis looks up at you and you can see the clogs in his head turning as he tries to come up with an excuse you'll believe.

"They went to grab food and I wasn't hungry."

It was believable because the guys loved their food but you could tell a lie a mile off.

"Denis I know you're lying."

"Okay they left so I could ask you something."

Now he had your interest. You sit down next to him. What did he have to ask you that the others couldn't be present for? He scratched the back of his head before sighing.

"Will you go on a date with me y/n?"

Okay, that was the last thing you were expecting to come out of his perfect lips. But one date couldn't hurt, right?

"I would love to go on a date with you Denis. When?"

"Actually how about now?"

What did he have planned for the two of you? You nod your head and watch Denis's face light up as if you'd just made his day.


y/n had said yes to going on a date with me and luckily Ben and the others had gone ahead to set the date up. I was surprised at how supportive they were of me asking y/n out because they loved her like a sister, but now I just had to pray that nothing went wrong on this date.

I had my hands covering y/n's eyes as I led her around the back of the bus towards a secluded area just a bit away from the tour grounds so we would have some privacy. Sam and Cameron had let slip that y/n loved picnics so I recruited the guys to set it up while I waited for her to wake from her nap.

The guys had just finished setting up as y/n and I rounded the corner, James and Ben gave me a thumbs up before they disappeared.

"Are we nearly there Denis?"

I chuckle and remove my hands. y/n gasps as she takes in the scene in front of her.

"Oh my god, Denis I love it so much."

Next thing I know y/n turns and throws her arms around my neck before kissing me, I was shocked for a few seconds before I relax into the kiss and match her battling for dominance. I would have to thank the guys for this later.

The picnic was a success and y/n and I learnt so much about each other. We walked back into the bus hand in hand and the guys stood up and cheered us making both y/n and I blush.


We were performing on stage and y/n was doing her job taking pictures as we jumped around the stage. The crowd was going crazy and halfway through the set, Ben gave me a look. We stopped singing I Won't Give In and the crowd fell silent. y/n stood next to James looking confused while James smiled as he knew what was coming next. I cleared my throat.

"Now you guys know our beautiful photographer y/n..."

The crowd cheered and Ben moved next to y/n pushing her forwards still looking confused as hell.

"Well for the last month I've had the pleasure of getting to know her and its safe to say I really like her a lot. So I have to ask her a question and I couldn't think of a better moment than now."

The crowd awe as Ben pushes y/n next to me.

"What's going on Denis?"

"y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

y/n stares at me with wide eyes as the crowd chants 'say yes'.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Denis."

She throws her arms around my neck and kisses me, I laugh against her lips as I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her back. She'd said yes to being my girlfriend and I couldn't be happier.

"Okay lovebirds get a bloody room; we have a show to perform."

y/n and I pull back from each other as Ben pats me on the back.

"I'll see you at the end of the set y/n."

She nods and goes back to sitting near James with her camera, on her way back Sam and Cameron hug her. The rest of the set went by in a blur and the fans loved every minute.

We ran off stage and I pick y/n up around the waist and spin her around as the guys make gagging noises.

"Since I initiated this relationship I should be the best man at the wedding."

Ben slaps me on the back while the others scoff.

"Excuse you Ben but what about the rest of us?"

I laugh as Ben, James, Sam and Cameron start arguing over who would be my best man. y/n and I had only just started dating and the guys were already planning our wedding. y/n rests her head against my chest and grins.

"I could always make one of them my maid of honour Denis."

I laugh.

"Please put one of them in a dress y/n."

"I wouldn't have anything less Stoff. I love you."

It was nice hearing those three words come from her lips; I squeeze her and plant a kiss on top of her head.

"And I love you to y/n."

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