*REQUESTED* Waterparks - Awsten Knight & Geoff Wigington

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Requested by rawwwwwwwwwwwwwwr

She Will Be Loved


You never felt like you belonged in the Wigington family. They adopted you when you were three, and they already had a son called Geoff who was a year older than you. It felt like the family was falling apart and by adopting a little girl they expected all their problems to go away.

But when you turned sixteen both mum and dad left leaving Geoff in charge of you. But during this time you felt more distant than ever from your brother. You'd never felt cared for and no one paid any attention to you.

Geoff was constantly out of the house making music with his band which was called Waterparks or something along those lines. You decided to run away one day when Geoff was at band practice. You'd pretty much raised yourself in this family, so how much harder could it be to raise yourself on the streets?


"Guys I'm going out for a walk."

The guys grunt before going back to their video game. It was the one-year anniversary of the day Geoff's adopted sister y/n ran away, so he wasn't that pleasant to be around. I'd met y/n twice and she seemed like a lovely girl, but the way Geoff blanked her I could see why she ran off. But some nights Geoff would cry in his bunk and mumble apologies and how much he wanted to see his sister again.

I decided to grab a bite to eat, and when I walked back to the buses I had to walk past an alley when I heard a small voice asking for help. Normally I'd run a mile, but I couldn't leave a girl if she was hurt so I take a deep breath and walk into the dark alley.

"Hello, are you okay girl?"

I crouch down in front of the small shaking bundle and touch her shoulder, the girl recoils and I'm shocked to see a familiar face in front of me looking worse for wear.

"y/n Wigington, it's Awsten I'm in a band with your brother Geoff."

"Awsten?" she croaks, sounding dehydrated.

I turn her around to face me and have to try to keep the shock on my face to a minimal. y/n looked malnourished and had a few cuts on her face and arms which looked infected. This wasn't how I expected to meet her again, and I didn't know how Geoff would react, but I couldn't just leave her out here alone.

"I'm going to take you back to the bus and clean you up y/n. Your brother has missed you a lot, he'll be thrilled to see you again."

y/n nods and allows me to scoop her up in my arms. I drape my jacket over her to try and keep her warm and make my way back to the buses. It was like I was carrying a feather in my arms, I'd defiantly need to put weight back on y/n's bones.

"Geoff can you get the first aid kit," I yell through the bus.

Geoff appears from the bunk room looking dishevelled carrying the first aid kit.

"Why do you need the kit? Wait a second is that y/n in your arms?"

I nod and place y/n down carefully on the sofa brushing hair off of her face. Geoff drops the first aid kit on the table before running out of the bus with tears in his eyes, he obviously didn't expect to be reunited with his sister looking half dead.

"Are you going to leave me as well Awsten?" y/n gasps weakly.

Shaking my head I hold her hand, "I'm going to take care of you y/n. Make you fit and strong again. I'm never going to leave your side."

~1 Month Later~


"y/n you need to get out of the bunk and embrace the day."

Awsten pulls the curtain of your bunk back and pops his head inside. You groan and pull your blanket over your face, you'd much rather sleep all day instead of having to face the world.

"I don't want to see people Awsten. I'm so sick of the sympathetic looks and being asked questions."

Awsten sighs and you think he's left but next thing you know he's crawling into your bunk cuddling you. This past month you'd stuck to Awsten like glue because he'd nursed you back to health and had been a shoulder to cry on at night.

"Then I'll just stay in your bunk with you and cuddle until we have to be on stage y/n."

You weren't going to complain because you found yourself falling in love with Awsten with each new day. You'd never felt cared for before, and now Awsten was caring for you and paying you all the attention in the world.

"You know I overheard you talking to your brother y/n. Do you have a little crush on me?"

Your face drops as you stare at Awsten trying to come up with an excuse, but you come up blank. You were now expecting him to laugh in your face and leave you, why would someone like Awsten like someone as damaged as you?

"Err Awsten..."

"I might have a little crush on you to y/n."

Awsten cups your chin and brings his lips down on yours softly. You jump before melting into the kiss. This is what you had spent many a night dreaming of. Now you were happy Awsten found you in that alley a month ago and brought you back to life, quite literally.

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