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Candy Shop


You'd finally gotten to your favourite aisle, the sweet/snack aisle. You had a notorious sweet tooth and all your friends tried to hide away the sugary goodness and make you eat healthier, but it was like you had a sixth sense for tracking down chocolate and other junk food.

You tried to tell yourself that the almond milk, wholemeal bread, grapes and apples already in your basket was healthy enough. And now you needed to balance it out with some sweet stuff. After a few cans of Monster, a couple packets of cookies, dolly mix, fruit gums and even some sour sweets you tried to locate the strawberry laces which were your main weakness.

You find them on the top shelf which you're too small to reach but give it a go anyway. Someone taller stands behind you and easily grabs the laces and puts them in their basket. You pout, a little annoyed that some random guy could come in and swipe them from you when it was clear to everyone around that you saw them first. You check out his basket and are pleasantly surprised to see a lot of sweet stuff, the two of you could be basket buddies.

"Looks like I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth."

You laugh and try to place the voice which sounds familiar.

"So do you, good sir, between us we could open our own candy shop."

Your heart nearly stops when you glance up and lock eyes with CC from Black Veil Brides, your favourite member because you had a thing for drummers. He smiles at you and motions to the strawberry laces.

"How about we split them? That way we're both winners err..."

"y/n, I'm y/n"

You nod, "I like the sound of that Mr Coma. I need my strawberry laces to function like a normal person."

The two of you continue to talk while you finish the rest of your shop. It turns out you have a lot in common minus the sweet addiction. After you pay CC helps carry your bags to your car like a gentleman.

"Before we split, we need to split these laces."

CC opens the bag and hands you half along with a slip of paper with his number on. You raise an eyebrow and he smirks.

"I need to see my sweet tooth buddy again. This way I can also message you about the backstage pass to our show tonight."

"You'll definitely be seeing me tonight CC. Can you keep a secret?"

He nods and draws a zip across his lips.

"I think the drummer of the band is pretty hot."

He grins and pulls you into a side hug, "your secret is safe with me y/n, I won't tell him."

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