*REQUESTED* MIW - Devin Sola

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Deep Breathes


Three years ago you met Devin at a fair, he won you a spider plushie and from that night the two of you talked every day. One year ago Devin proposed to you on stage during Warped Tour where his band Motionless In White were playing, and of course, you said yes.

Due to his hectic touring schedule, the wedding came a year after the proposal. It was a goths wet dream and you wouldn't have it any other way because you finally married the man you were deeply in love with. A month after the wedding you found out you were pregnant, and you and Devin couldn't be happier to get to start a family together.

Cut to nine months later, you were waddling around the kitchen when you feel something wet trickle down your leg. You look down and see a small puddle around your feet and realise your water had just broken and that you were going into labour.

"Devin!" you shout at the top of your lungs, as a sharp pain shoots across your belly making you lean on a counter for support.

Devin runs in and his eyes widen as he takes everything in.

"Are you okay y/n?"

"My water just broke. The baby is coming and we need to get to the hospital babe."

Devin freezes on the spot and you realise he's gone into shock. Cursing, you waddle over to him and help him sit down on a stool.

"Deep breaths Devin, listen to my voice, we're going to get through this together."

Devin starts to take deep breaths; this wasn't how you saw this moment going. If you were going to get to the hospital then you'd need some help to get the old Devin back.

"Stay here I'll be right back."

You leave the kitchen and pick up the phone in the hallway and dial Chris's number praying he'd pick up, which he does on the third ring.


"Chris, it's y/n. To cut the story short, my water just broke and Devin's gone into shock. I need you and the guys over here to snap him out of it and take me to the hospital."

"We'll be over in ten, just take deep breaths y/n."

Chris hangs up and you roll your eyes, deep breaths weren't doing you or Devin any favours at the minute. Waddling back into the kitchen you lean against the counter hoping Devin will snap out of the shock.

~20 Minutes Later~

"The cavalry has arrived y/n, where's Devin?"

Chris runs into the kitchen with the rest of the band and Ryan-Ashley behind him. You stand up and push away from the counter before closing the space between you and Chris and poke him square in the chest.

"You said ten minutes on the phone Chris, you've been twenty. I've been in labour for over half an hour, now who's taking me to the hospital while the others deal with Devin?"

Chris gulps, actually looking a little afraid of you. Josh and his wife Ryan-Ashley step forwards.

"We'll take you to the hospital y/n."

Josh puts an arm around your shoulder and guides you from the kitchen.


"Come on Devin you need to snap out of this. Your wife needs you, she can't bring your child into this world alone."

Chris slaps me across the face, and behind him Ryan, Ricky and Vinny gasp loudly. I bring my hand up to my cheek and rub the heated skin while staring at Chris in defeat.

"What if I'm an awful dad guys?"

Chris's face softens, "you'll be a great dad Dev, that kids lucky to have both you and y/n as parents."

"Your kid will grow up accepting everyone instead of being judgemental and single-minded." Vinny chimes in.

"Plus your kid will rock Halloween." Ryan chuckles.

Ricky pats my shoulder, "let's get you to the hospital Dev, otherwise, y/n will kill us all."

Chris helps me up off the stool and pushes me into the hallway where I grab y/n's hospital bag which she'd forgotten in the rush. Hopefully she wasn't too annoyed at me for freaking out, I was supposed to be comforting her and instead, she was the one comforting me.


"y/n I'm sorry for freaking out earlier, can you forgive me?"

I burst into y/n's hospital room and she looks up at me and smiles.

"Better now than never Devin."

I drop the bag and takes Josh's place by her bed. Josh walks away clutching his hand, was y/n really that strong? Now I kind of didn't want to give her my hand to squeeze.

"Deep breaths y/n, listen to my voice. Our daughter will be here very soon."

"I love you, Devin."

y/n grabs my hand and I yelp at how tight her grip is. If she could push a baby out of her, then I could deal with a couple broken fingers tomorrow.

~1 Hour Later~

"Welcome to the world little one, daddy has a gift for you."

I open the hospital bag and pull out the spider plushie I had won y/n. y/n awes as my little girl looks up at it with wide curious eyes.

"This spider will protect you little one and bring you good luck. It brought your mummy into my life and I couldn't be happier with my two lovely ladies."

I place the spider in front of our daughter and y/n pulls me into a side hug.

"We're a proper little family now Devin."

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