ATL - Jack Barakat

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Did We Forget Something?


It was getting to that point in the week where we were running low on food in the apartment. Of course, when your fiancé Jack was on tour with All Time Low you didn't need to shop as much, but he was back and the rest of the band always used your place to crash and hang out. They'd left earlier leaving you to do damage control in the kitchen; they hadn't left much to be desired in the cupboards.

'"Jack babe I'm going to head out to the shop as we need more food."

You walk around the kitchen grabbing your purse, phone and bag when a set of arms wrap themselves around your waist stopping you in your tracks. Jack nuzzles your neck.

"Can I come too?"

You were surprised that Jack wanted to come to the store with you; he never wanted to come with you because he said it was boring.

"Why do you want to come to Jack? You hate food shopping."

"There's no food in the apartment and I'm hungry, plus I want to spend more time with my lovely fiancé."

Jack pulls back and you sigh before turning around to face him.

"Fine you can come, but we need to buy food. You can't get distracted."

"I promise y/n."

He picks you up around the waist and starts carrying you towards the front door. You wonder how long this level of maturity would last, Jack could be a big child sometimes but that's why you loved him because each day was an adventure.


When we arrived at the store I realised that y/n had chosen one that didn't just sell food but a whole variety of items. y/n knew I hated food shopping so she bought me to a place full of distractions, but then she didn't want me to get distracted. Was this some sort of test?

y/n ignored my confused state as she found a trolley and made her way into the store leaving me to trail after her. She started to scan shelves and put some stuff in the trolley, but my eyes were drawn to the toy aisle we'd just walked past which was opposite the dairy section for some reason.

I wander down the aisle while y/n had her back turned. I found a Nerf gun and a grin stretched across my face as I pick it up and load it.

"Hey, babe."

y/n turns around and I fire the foam bullets at her causing her to squeal and glare at me.


Her glare didn't last long before it turned into a smirk as she stalked towards me down the aisle. I took a step back as she picked up a similar gun to mine.

"This is for shooting me..."

She shot me once.

"This is for distracting me..."

She shot me twice.

"And this is because I just can."

She shot me a third and final time before I put down the gun and ran at her before throwing her over my shoulder making her squeal as I spun her around. She started slapping my back but it was no use.

"For Narnia!"

I start running around the store earning me odd looks from customers and staff.

"Excuse me sir but I'm going to have to ask you two to leave the store immediately."

I was stopped in my tracks by a beefy security guard, I gulped as I placed y/n back on her feet but she stumbled slightly causing both of us to burst into laughter.

"I think we just got told off Jack."

"And I thought food shopping was boring."

I grab y/n's hand and we all but run out of the store laughing. When we got back to the car I realise something and smirk.

"y/n did we forget something?"

She looks around us confused which was adorable before her eyes widen and she curses under her breath.

"Oh, shit we forgot the food."

I pull her in for a hug and she shakes her head against my chest smiling.

"That's the last time I let you come with me, Barakat."

She pokes my chest and I pouted.

"But you love me, babe."

She nods and I cup her chin before leaning down to kiss her. This was much better than lazing around the apartment bored.

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